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thats history teachers fav champ u cant disrespect fiora or he will spam history facts at you


Nightblue such an underrated streamer glad hes getting the views he deserves.


Hes been streaming for like 12hrs now with 20k+ viewers and has 33k atm. 


Also like him cos hes a jungler that plays champs i like and tells what he does and why so informative.


Got 4.6k ritopoints now gonna buy som champs m8s


thinkin bout khazix, riven, elise and lucian then some others if I have leftover ritopoints 


what is nightwhite on now he was a gold 5 last time i checked i wonder if he will rlly go from bronze to challenger in a week


what is nightwhite on now he was a gold 5 last time i checked i wonder if he will rlly go from bronze to challenger in a week


gold1 or plat5 not sure


btw first kha game went rly badly rofl 1/7 but atleast i know the abilities now


3 ranked losses in a row. shows what 5 days without legaue does to me.


3 ranked losses in a row. shows what 5 days without legaue does to me.


shud play normals with me m8


riven is rly fun champ gonna play this a lot more


back to bronze 2. 

jungler yi went 1/17 and raged at me. i was kassadin. couldnt carry even though i won lane but when yi was feeding everyone that hard...


back to bronze 2. 

jungler yi went 1/17 and raged at me. i was kassadin. couldnt carry even though i won lane but when yi was feeding everyone that hard...


You did well and probably learned something that game right


focus more on improving then caring about wins tbh


Got 4.6k ritopoints now gonna buy som champs m8s


thinkin bout khazix, riven, elise and lucian then some others if I have leftover ritopoints

buy Khazix man

back to bronze 2. 

jungler yi went 1/17 and raged at me. i was kassadin. couldnt carry even though i won lane but when yi was feeding everyone that hard...

this is wat I focus on when I have a feeding team

Helps a lot



Got 4.6k ritopoints now gonna buy som champs m8s


thinkin bout khazix, riven, elise and lucian then some others if I have leftover ritopoints

buy Khazix man



i bought khazix, vi, elise and riven


tried khazix seemed strong but been playin riven a lot such a fun champ


Riven got the d in nerfs on pbe, idk if it's been reverted or not. 

Btw My Gwas I saw that loads towards the end of s3. So many plat-diamonds duoing with bronze/low silvers and it fucking sucked because the bronze will be put vs a plat and top vs a plat etc. Just leaves the whole team unbalanced as fuck


Riven got the d in nerfs on pbe, idk if it's been reverted or not. 

Btw My Gwas I saw that loads towards the end of s3. So many plat-diamonds duoing with bronze/low silvers and it fucking sucked because the bronze will be put vs a plat and top vs a plat etc. Just leaves the whole team unbalanced as fuck


if this is true im sad 


all champs I buy or main get nerfed :(((((


what'd they nerf? her shield?


Broken Wings ( Q )

  • Damage on all activations decreased from 30/55/80/105/130 ( + 0.7 bonus AD ) to 10/30/50/70/90 ( +0.4/0.45/0.5/0.55/0.6 total AD )


Valor ( E )

  • Shield duration lowered from 2.5 seconds to 1.5


Broken Wings ( Q )

  • Damage on all activations decreased from 30/55/80/105/130 ( + 0.7 bonus AD ) to 10/30/50/70/90 ( +0.4/0.45/0.5/0.55/0.6 total AD )


Valor ( E )

  • Shield duration lowered from 2.5 seconds to 1.5



dat q nerf ouch


I swear the Q wud be exactly the same :S


Bonus AD at level 1 is like +20?


Total AD at level 1 is like +80?


Your only losing -20ad per cast x3 = 60.


20+60 -80 = 0?


I swear the Q wud be exactly the same :S


Bonus AD at level 1 is like +20?


Total AD at level 1 is like +80?


Your only losing -20ad per cast x3 = 60.


20+60 -80 = 0?


Im rly confused right now


yh i probably didnt understand the picture correct.


Il wait till famoil or wrecka reply


delta where r u wtf


where r u delta yyyyyyyyyyyy


I wonder how long till I master kat

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