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I think her Q will be hit hard but that's not the problem with riven. She uses no resources for skills, has low cds. Her shield is the main problem. It actually scales with AD unlike many others.

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lol im such an idiot.


shield duration lowered from 2.5 to 1.5s i thought that meant the cooldown.


yh i dnt think shes that strong, just resourceless and low cooldowns

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yeah im not too bad with khazix


edit: thanks to skiddz for telling me to go tiamat, last whisper it works wonders

Edited by Dizzy
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kat isnt bad


just sayin u should build mpen when u dont think u can get much of ur ult off (vs cc heavy) cause besides ur ult, ur abilities arent well-scaling


but ur ult has sooooo much scaling that usually u build ap anyway



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Kats a beast i played her the other day for the first time after not playing her for like months and i literally rolled my face on the keyboard.. went like 20 - 3 with a quadra and a penta lol

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Longest league session i've had in ages goddamn 7 hrs of riven and vi too fun.


Can't even remember last time I played that many hrs straight must be months.

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Longest league session i've had in ages goddamn 7 hrs of riven and vi too fun.


Can't even remember last time I played that many hrs straight must be months.

was fun, ty for the games as always lad.

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Longest league session i've had in ages goddamn 7 hrs of riven and vi too fun.


Can't even remember last time I played that many hrs straight must be months.

was fun, ty for the games as always lad.



tyty and delts 4 last 2 games ty was fun

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fucking hate people who build wrong items in my games pisses me off so much


lol me too!





gold 1 rengar b4 u complain it was vs bronze due to insec

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supposedly plat nidalee


I was 2/0 had a great start all lanes were winning except bot then she started feeding. completly out of nowhere lol, noone flamed, noone did anything

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I swear the Q wud be exactly the same :S

Bonus AD at level 1 is like +20?

Total AD at level 1 is like +80?

Your only losing -20ad per cast x3 = 60.

20+60 -80 = 0?

rivens earlly game would be 10 + (0.4*54=22) = 32 when it use to be just 30+0=30 which is infact a buff even with runes and masteries

lets say you get +15 ad from runes and +2 from masteries (did they not nerf masteries someone confirm) thats +17ad level 1

so 17+54=71 plus a dorands blade or longsword will be 81AD now lets calculate it again giving us the actual strength of level 1 rivens Q 

81*0.4=32 (rounded down from 32.4) plus the 10 base from Q = 42 Damage per cast of q currently her Q is doing 30 Base damage + 0.7*21=15 which = 45 


conclusion: so i was wrong if you where to go full ad on riven at level 1 her Q would actually be a nerf of 3 damage per cast which = 9 damage upon landing three Q's


so what i will suggest is that if you would not like to feel the nerf of the Q on riven than start more defensive 9/21/0 or 21/9/0 with a dorans shield or cloth 5 than it would be around the same damage as now if not stronger.




ok so my figures have shown that rivens earlly game is infact a nerf if you go full ad start but the stronger if you start defensive.


now lets check her level 18:


rivens base ad at level 18 is 104 (rounded up from 103.5) therefore 104*0.6=62 (rouned down from 62.4) plus 90 will give us 152 damage per cast of Q this is the base damage not including any items, runes masteries or buffs.


compares to now which would be just 130 damage.


these figures are not fair because the current riven scales better as you get more ad compares to the PBE riven. so im going to re-calculate with everything + a standard 6 items riven late game build.


items (my build): hydra +75, BC + 50, g.a + 0, visage + 0, LW + 40, boots + 0 total ad from items = 165 AD

now late game masteries will be +12 ad + warlord mastery which i will calculate later.

runes was +15 AD

so 165+104 (base ad)+15+12 = 296 AD plus warlord will be 165+15+12*0.05=10 AD add that on will be 296+10 = 306 AD! 




ok 306 AD is what riven will have late game with 6 items 21/0/9 masteries and ad reds and quints on runes plus my build which is not the most AD giving build but riven needs some defensive items to do well in teamfights.


ok so 306*0.6= 184 plus the 90 which = 274 Damage per cast of Q


compared to now which would be (306-104=202), 202*0.7= 141 plus the 130 which = 271 Damage per cast of Q



Edited by k or as i
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Now i want to look at rivens E skill her shield it has been nerfed from 2.5 seconds to 1.5 seconds how does this effect riven.


well due to the shield time change rivens trading has been hit quite heavily since if you dont time the shield very well it will go off or if the enemy is smart he will walk back and than come back in as your shield is off to trade damage with you.


but if you are using your shield for defensive use than i dont think rivens shield nerd will matter what i mean is if you are using your shield to block Q damage from gangplanks Q, elise Q, pantheon Q etc than the shield nerf for laning is not really a big deal since you will be activating it as he uses hes Q blocking all damage in the 1.5 seconds it takes the animation to hit Riven. 


what the shield nerf is forcing Riven players to do is time there shields better instead of just Spam it for damage trades its basically like barrier a noob player will use there barrier when they are low hp but not getting attacked in a teamfight whereas a good player will use there barrier as a enemy champion is about to damage them 

so many players will waste there barrier completely.


like the other day i made the same mistake i was running away from 2 champions bot lane and i closed the gap but i was really low so i used barrier but took no damage and the enemy champion waited for my barrier to go down and than he flashed and killed me if i was to save barrier for when he flashed i would of survived by blocking the damage and using my mobility to close the gap.

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so what have I learned about Katarina 


I learned a lot about doing well during laning phase even if it means not crushing your lane opponent, just went dorans shield farmed as well as I could and wait till I see opportunity to kill a lane and take a advantage that way which I used to do but never to this extent


also katarina can destroy a team if they dont have a lot of interrupts however I just faced wukong/ali/blitz/lux who were all saving their cc for me it just meant I had to bait my team a bit before going into them and ulting


I still really like Kat but I think she has a limit to how much she can do so don't think mastering her compared to someone else who has a high skill cap is worth




Never played a champion this much though I usually just get bored after 2 games of same champ so dunno]



tldr: deltz is a cunt

Edited by Farmoil
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just played vs a nasus who did literally nothing all game LOL


i said to him "please do something nasus, other than just farm"


his reply "nasus is meant to farm idiot rofl"


to which i  reply


"yes nasus is meant to farm. but you are 0/4 and you have lost your inhib by 30 minutes. please do something"


he replies 


"/all report nidalle flame"

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