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This Bloke ****ing Feeds


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Posted (edited)

Isn't riot lmao these guys on phantoml0rds stream are ddosing it rofl. they also ddosed dota battle.net ea.com and then some other hackers doxed them. Then PL twitch accc got hacked rofl then cops got called to PL's house. Shits cray


rofl thought the chatting with the hackers was fake or whatever


did they rly shut down his stream too and called cops wtf


edit: euw back up

Edited by Lennu


Isn't riot lmao these guys on phantoml0rds stream are ddosing it rofl. they also ddosed dota battle.net ea.com and then some other hackers doxed them. Then PL twitch accc got hacked rofl then cops got called to PL's house. Shits cray


rofl thought the chatting with the hackers was fake or whatever


did they rly shut down his stream too and called cops wtf


edit: euw back up


Yep lol



Isn't riot lmao these guys on phantoml0rds stream are ddosing it rofl. they also ddosed dota battle.net ea.com and then some other hackers doxed them. Then PL twitch accc got hacked rofl then cops got called to PL's house. Shits cray


rofl thought the chatting with the hackers was fake or whatever


did they rly shut down his stream too and called cops wtf


edit: euw back up





Played a 1hr game with Kha'zix went 25/7/25 or something was rly fun oneshottin adc


We were losing pretty hard but I managed to win the game for us. Khazix so good in lategame not even funny.


lol playing with gold 1's and plats in ranked and being last pick is so fucking dumb


Played 1hr game with eve and everyone said I was feeding when I just gave all kills to mid/adc...
So fucking dump cunts playing in gold nowadays...



How to win ranked if enemy team has little/no cc:


1)Pick kata


3) Win


True story wally


o god hungover league here we go


Saw last night on reddit couldn't stop laughing




I think I might main morgana supp

also going to bring Diana out of retirement in the new year


does anyone know if im supposed to get muramana on kha anymore?


does anyone know if im supposed to get muramana on kha anymore?

no, rush Tiamat, get last whisper boots, then your situational build comes

If they have a beefy team take brutalizer, then get a Maw if the AP isn't totally shut down and get GA



does anyone know if im supposed to get muramana on kha anymore?

no, rush Tiamat, get last whisper boots, then your situational build comes

If they have a beefy team take brutalizer, then get a Maw if the AP isn't totally shut down and get GA


rush deathcap max heal


Played 1hr game with eve and everyone said I was feeding when I just gave all kills to mid/adc...

So fucking dump cunts playing in gold nowadays...




Ninja Tabis?


I wouldn't build elder lizard on eve anymore, the wraith one is 10000x better


Its so fun playing league when you are drunk, I would die and then be like wtf Im dead? how?...



Played 1hr game with eve and everyone said I was feeding when I just gave all kills to mid/adc...

So fucking dump cunts playing in gold nowadays...




Ninja Tabis?


team had 5 ad's and they focused me all the time so had to buy some armor... So changed sorcs to tabis


Its so fun playing league when you are drunk, I would die and then be like wtf Im dead? how?...

Lol so true and you spam that your druunk every sooften


Its so fun playing league when you are drunk, I would die and then be like wtf Im dead? how?...

Lol so true and you spam that your druunk every sooften


lol I remember once we had a team fight and I just stayed in bush near my team watching them fight 4 v 5... I felt as if i was watching a stream lmao


then my team was like report bladeofdivinity I was like wtf im playing? hahahah good times


How was every1s new years


went back into ranked again dunno why but Ima see if I can climb back to silver3+

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