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carryin bronze niggas after my mmr went so low due to losing like 10 in a row.


3wins 0lossses today


Silver 1 now boys time to get gold


Silver 1 now boys time to get gold


nice gl


no wonder im getting like +5 for a win lol



Zac: Report my whole team

Zac: Except Sona

Zac: She has titties




lol makes sense 



Zac: Report my whole team

Zac: Except Sona

Zac: She has titties







no wonder im getting like +5 for a win lol

that's normal in div 1


no wonder im getting like +5 for a win lol

that's normal in div 1
really? Didn't have that in bronze 1



no wonder im getting like +5 for a win lol

that's normal in div 1
really? Didn't have that in bronze 1


You probably had silver 5-4  mmr in bronze 1 so you got more


lol the comments from dariens stream were a good laugh




oh, that's what i need, no more spam and hitlers (talking about twitch chat)


"The fans say streaming makes you feed, I think you simply feed all the time."


"Ocelote is spanish"


Twitch chat: "SoAZ > Darien" Darien: "Pffff... HahahahaHAHA Genja, check this out: "SoAZ is better than Darien". SoAZ sucks, he's trash."


Genja: "People say my desktop image is boring" Darien: "I told you to put a naked girl there" Genja: "But twitch bans for erotic content" Darien: "What? One day i was wathing how two n... hm black guys were having fun with an asian girl for like an hour"


"Riven fucking slut no balance"



Posted (edited)

Yeah genja is always saying some lulzy shit lol.

And wtf dizzy why are ALL my friends in teemos alliance? I'm the only one in Jayces mercenaries

Edited by Wrecka
Posted (edited)


gna see how much this changes at end of s4

Edited by DeltaPapa

Yeah genja is always saying some lulzy shit lol.

And wtf dizzy why are ALL my friends in teemos alliance? I'm the only one in Jayces mercenaries

yeah kyle dan tyler tederick everyone


how do u get that animation of your elo

I want to learn a new champ but I hate starting from scratch with a new champs mechanics


learn a champ that doesn't take skill then with limited skill shots


5/0 with vi in ranked so far gonna main this for a while

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