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Surely the best possible way to counter jungle would to not have your lanes pushed, so the jungler has nothing to gank and nothing to farm :s

but your not going to be ganking your going to be diving under tower since your so far ahead and enemy lanes should always be behinde on cs and getting poked for every cs they try to secure under tower its what the Chinese do 



Yh chineese. Not silver EUW players lol.


If i was jungle I wouldn't trust my top/bot to follow up on the dive or to poke them under tower safely. And with current builds/items most people can CS under tower with ease now


some questions i would like your opinions on:


-Do you feel at a disadvantage spawning on the purple side?

Not for me


-How do you feel playing locked camera?

impossible, even vs bots


-How do you feel about laning vs a Darius?

I hate that cunt since I mained wukong, if u want to beat him, rush to lvl 2 before him and harass x2


-What do you think is stopping you from climbing the elo ladder?

Kids that flame & Idiots that first pick mid/top


-What role do you think makes the most impact on your ranked games?

Basically adc/jungler imo


-Do you time your buffs and enemy buffs in chat or in your head?



thanks i thought i was the only one who absolutely thought locked camera was impossible to play on weird since we got use to it from playing all the rs 




Surely the best possible way to counter jungle would to not have your lanes pushed, so the jungler has nothing to gank and nothing to farm :s

but your not going to be ganking your going to be diving under tower since your so far ahead and enemy lanes should always be behinde on cs and getting poked for every cs they try to secure under tower its what the Chinese do 



Yh chineese. Not silver EUW players lol.


If i was jungle I wouldn't trust my top/bot to follow up on the dive or to poke them under tower safely. And with current builds/items most people can CS under tower with ease now


just try it before you judge its amazing enemy jungler will start trolling because hes not getting help from hes team happens half the time 


he doesnt realise that lanes cant help him since minions are pushed to tower

Posted (edited)

Akali - Penta kill Ft.Taric's Stuns


Edited by Wally1337
Posted (edited)

-Do you feel at a disadvantage spawning on the puple side?

If I learned to play on unlocked then it wouldn't be a bad thing when I'm in botlane.



-How do you feel playing locked camera?

Like a scrub.



-How do you feel about laning vs a Darius?

Never done it before surprisingly.



-What do you think is stopping you from climbing the elo ladder?

My decision making, and knowledge of the game.



-What role do you think makes the most impact on your ranked games?




-Do you time your buffs and enemy buffs in chat or in your head?

Both lol.


Also, made a list of all my skins, would be cool to see how many skins you guys have as well.


Ahri - Foxfire, Popstar

Akali - Blood Moon

Alistar - Unchained

Ashe - Amethyst, Woad

Blitzcrank - Boom Boom, Piltover Customs, Definitely Not, iBlitzcrank

Caitlyn - Sheriff

Dr. Mundo - Mr. Mundoverse, Corporate

Evelynn - Tango

Ezreal - Frosted

Fiora - Headmistress

Gragas - Oktoberfest

Jinx - Mafia

Katarina - Mercenary, Kitty Kat

Kayle - Aether Wing

Kog Maw - Lion Dance

Leblanc - Prestigious, Mistletoe

Leona - Valkyrie

Lux - Steel Legion

Nami - Koi

Nasus - Infernal

Nidalee - French Maid

Orianna - Gothic, Sewn Chaos, Bladecraft

Renekton - Pool Party

Riven - Battle Bunny

Shyvana - Ironscale

Singed - Augmented

Sona - Silent Night, Guqin, Aracde

Teemo - Cottontail

Tristana - Riot Girl, Earnest Elf, Rocket Girl

Tryndamere - Demonblade

Vayne - Dragonslayer, Heartseeker

Vi - Neon Strike, Officer

Ziggs - Mayor
Edited by Insecurities

if I made a list of all the skins I had oh boy


support main now btw madlife inc


Idk whats going on but I got 3 win streak in ranked and I got +10, then +7, now +5... wtf is going on?


was  6/7 with kayle and elise took my buff.


said im goin afk, sat in base for 2 minutes then thought nah fuck this bitch


ended up like 16/8 and won


fuckin ownd son


so i've lost every single ranked game i've been in in the past 5 days. 


lost last game 0/11 with nidalee.


they had warwick jungle who literally only ganked my lane all game.


i out skilled veigar constantly, but he ended up 17/6.


warwick used every ult on me.


it was like a vendetta against me.


whole team flamed the fuck out of me and said im a feeder etc, but afterward i check dmg done


i had done 72k dmg, second highest on our team was ez with 31k


doubled everyones damage just got really unlucky with my spear timings it seems lol


Akali - Nurse, Crimson
Ali - Unchained
Amumu - Pharoah, Sad Robot
Anivia - Noxus Hunter
Annie - Panda
Ashe - Frejlord
Blitz - BoomBoom
Cassio - Mythic
Cho - Jurassic
Corki - Urf
Darius - Lord
Dr Mundo - Mundoverse
Elise - Death Blossom, Victorious
Eve - Masquerade
Ez - NottinghamForest, TPA
Fiddle - Spectral, Timbers
Irelia - Frostblade
Janna, Hextech, Forecast
Jax - Angler, Nemesis
Jayce - Full Metal
Karma - Traditional
Karth - Phantom
Kennen - Swamp
Kha - Mecha
Kog - Lion Dance
Lee - Dragon Fist
Leona - Iron Solari
Lulu - Dragon Trainer
Lux - Spelltheif
Malph - Shamrock, Glacial
Malz - Shadow Prince
Yi - Assassin, Chosen, Samuari
Morde - Dragon Knight
Morg -Blackthorn
Naut - Astro
Nocturn - Eternum
Nunu - Bot
Ori - Bladecraft
Panth - Full Metal
Rammus - Freljord
Renek - Bloodfury
Rengar - Headhunter
Riven - Battlebunny
Ryze - Uncle
Shen - Yellow jacket
Shyv - Ironscale
Sona - Arcade
Swain - Northern front, Tyrant
Taric - Emerald
Tris - Riot girl, Firefighter
Trundle - Traditional
Trynd - King
TF - Tango
Vayne - Dragonslayer
Veigar - White mage
Viktor - Full machine
Vlad - Vandal
Warwick - Feral, Firefang
Xerath - Scorched Earth


Akali - Nurse, Crimson

Ali - Unchained

Amumu - Pharoah, Sad Robot

Anivia - Noxus Hunter

Annie - Panda

Ashe - Frejlord

Blitz - BoomBoom

Cassio - Mythic

Cho - Jurassic

Corki - Urf

Darius - Lord

Dr Mundo - Mundoverse

Elise - Death Blossom, Victorious

Eve - Masquerade

Ez - NottinghamForest, TPA

Fiddle - Spectral, Timbers

Irelia - Frostblade

Janna, Hextech, Forecast

Jax - Angler, Nemesis

Jayce - Full Metal

Karma - Traditional

Karth - Phantom

Kennen - Swamp

Kha - Mecha

Kog - Lion Dance

Lee - Dragon Fist

Leona - Iron Solari

Lulu - Dragon Trainer

Lux - Spelltheif

Malph - Shamrock, Glacial

Malz - Shadow Prince

Yi - Assassin, Chosen, Samuari

Morde - Dragon Knight

Morg -Blackthorn

Naut - Astro

Nocturn - Eternum

Nunu - Bot

Ori - Bladecraft

Panth - Full Metal

Rammus - Freljord

Renek - Bloodfury

Rengar - Headhunter

Riven - Battlebunny

Ryze - Uncle

Shen - Yellow jacket

Shyv - Ironscale

Sona - Arcade

Swain - Northern front, Tyrant

Taric - Emerald

Tris - Riot girl, Firefighter

Trundle - Traditional

Trynd - King

TF - Tango

Vayne - Dragonslayer

Veigar - White mage

Viktor - Full machine

Vlad - Vandal

Warwick - Feral, Firefang

Xerath - Scorched Earth


jesus christ i got like 4 skins


skin fgts all you need is Dark Valkryrie Diana and autowin


I got like 3 skins of which 2 are gifted and 3rd I bought with rp that insec bought me rolf


i dnt rly care that much for skins.


Muai Thai Lee

Officer Cait

Ravager Noct


some questions i would like your opinions on:

-Do you feel at a disadvantage spawning on the puple side?


-How do you feel playing locked camera?

I don't its a tunnel vision enforcer

-How do you feel about laning vs a Darius?

Easy lol

-What do you think is stopping you from climbing the elo ladder?

Nothing is

-What role do you think makes the most impact on your ranked games?


-Do you time your buffs and enemy buffs in chat or in your head?


Posted (edited)

some questions i would like your opinions on:


-Do you feel at a disadvantage spawning on the puple side?

Only if i'm bot lane and they're pushing, can cause problems with top too.


-How do you feel playing locked camera?

I use it sometimes when roaming enemy jungle, but hardly


-How do you feel about laning vs a Darius?

Don't play top so dunno but if there's one in my game I do camp him


-What do you think is stopping you from climbing the elo ladder?

Not playing enough, can't stand playing too much ranked


-What role do you think makes the most impact on your ranked games?

Mid/Jungle imo. Top can as well if it's a mundo or shyv or something


-Do you time your buffs and enemy buffs in chat or in your head?

Yes I time everything

Edited by Wrecka

i swear everyone plays this game


i swear everyone plays this game

It's the most played game atm


lol get back to hotel internet on way back from vacation


page 177/184


np i read them woo good reeeeeds



-Do you feel at a disadvantage spawning on the puple side?

no, start blue gank top first!


-How do you feel playing locked camera?



-How do you feel about laning vs a Darius?

dont get pulled, unless ur melee and can win like riven


-What do you think is stopping you from climbing the elo ladder?



-What role do you think makes the most impact on your ranked games?



-Do you time your buffs and enemy buffs in chat or in your head?

usually just get an estimate in head, sometimes i forget though. warding jungle mach beettter


lol get back to hotel internet on way back from vacation


page 177/184


np i read them woo good reeeeeds



-Do you feel at a disadvantage spawning on the puple side?

no, start blue gank top first!


-How do you feel playing locked camera?



-How do you feel about laning vs a Darius?

dont get pulled, unless ur melee and can win like riven


-What do you think is stopping you from climbing the elo ladder?



-What role do you think makes the most impact on your ranked games?



-Do you time your buffs and enemy buffs in chat or in your head?

usually just get an estimate in head, sometimes i forget though. warding jungle mach beettter



hey one flame m8 u havent beat the game! u need to get challenger!! 


yeah wtf shit player uno flame


fking wild turtle getting challenger 1100 points in like 232 wins 

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