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lmfao one flame


i still remember when you came to euw and played badly!! (At least I think that was you) NA challenger must be Eu silv 


 NA challenger must be Eu silv 



lmfao that made me giggle, where you been skiddz I missed you




btw leona supp so fun guys wtf, all you need is a decent adc and you just carry so hard Q,Q



 NA challenger must be Eu silv 



lmfao that made me giggle, where you been skiddz I missed you




btw leona supp so fun guys wtf, all you need is a decent adc and you just carry so hard Q,Q


i dont understand how she takes your hp from 100 to 0 with 0 ap pisses me off

Posted (edited)

-Do you feel at a disadvantage spawning on the puple side?

Yes purple side gets invaded more

-How do you feel playing locked camera?

this isn't runescape

-How do you feel about laning vs a Darius?

? why darius and not the lame champs that are op now? like mundo/shyv top?

-What do you think is stopping you from climbing the elo ladder?

i rage too much, feel like im god sometimes, dont respect others who could possible be better then me and dont respect some ganks, my decision making is off sometimes

jk, i mean lagg

-What role do you think makes the most impact on your ranked games?

jungle if played right

-Do you time your buffs and enemy buffs in chat or in your head?





Edited by X0

yeah i remember playing on euw lol


in my defense i think i played adc and i suck at adc lol


uno flame when r u gna get high diamond 1 so I see u on streams pal


well im going to play a ton of ranked probs over the next 2 weeks cause im on break!! hopefully i get further, but then theres reset idk


well im going to play a ton of ranked probs over the next 2 weeks cause im on break!! hopefully i get further, but then theres reset idk

but are you gonna stream m8?

So Khazix pick increases +3.96%... and people are complaining on how strong he is.


Where the fk were you before he was nerfed???????????


So Khazix pick increases +3.96%... and people are complaining on how strong he is.


Where the fk were you before he was nerfed???????????


Pick % gone up a bit cause of nightblue im guessing hes streamed with 50k+ viewers for a week playing a lot of kha'zix


I bought him too cos of his stream and goddamn he is a strong champ


I used to play khazix only for ages pre nerf where he was op as fuck, only picked him up a little while ago again after watching alex ich 


I wish I had better teams in ranked... id be plat1-2 by now




I used to play khazix only for ages pre nerf where he was op as fuck, only picked him up a little while ago again after watching alex ich

yeah that's what I did

Support is actually fun with champs like leona and thresh


carried last game with leona so hard, ashe + leo ult is op as fuck


pick blitz press q e r win game


pick blitz press q e r win game


blitz gay no skill champ hueueh


doubt ill stream but if i do ill post link here


yh kha was op before his major nerfs and hes one of the main things that got me out of silver lol (early s3 i think)


hes still really strong tho, and now i prefer him in jungle rather than mid (where i used to play him)


anyone know date of reset?


doubt ill stream but if i do ill post link here


yh kha was op before his major nerfs and hes one of the main things that got me out of silver lol (early s3 i think)


hes still really strong tho, and now i prefer him in jungle rather than mid (where i used to play him)


anyone know date of reset?

holy s*** dude if you actually start to stream I would watch that


I spotted one flame on qtpies stream once lol


doubt ill stream but if i do ill post link here


yh kha was op before his major nerfs and hes one of the main things that got me out of silver lol (early s3 i think)


hes still really strong tho, and now i prefer him in jungle rather than mid (where i used to play him)


anyone know date of reset?

Lol you are at uni tho? doubt u will be able to stream there lol'


1 in every 50 games each one takes his pref





1 in every 50 games each one takes his pref






the dream team



idk why people take tp on shen I think it's so fucking bad


"but I can tp back to tower after I ult" ... no just no



doubt ill stream but if i do ill post link here


yh kha was op before his major nerfs and hes one of the main things that got me out of silver lol (early s3 i think)


hes still really strong tho, and now i prefer him in jungle rather than mid (where i used to play him)


anyone know date of reset?

Lol you are at uni tho? doubt u will be able to stream there lol'


nightblu3 does it, so can he if he so wishes. ain't impossible.

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