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Draven ended up with 18/3/3

Edited by Wally1337



doubt ill stream but if i do ill post link here


yh kha was op before his major nerfs and hes one of the main things that got me out of silver lol (early s3 i think)


hes still really strong tho, and now i prefer him in jungle rather than mid (where i used to play him)


anyone know date of reset?

Lol you are at uni tho? doubt u will be able to stream there lol'


nightblu3 does it, so can he if he so wishes. ain't impossible.



Pretty sure he lives at home and goes to uni from there instead of stayin at the dorms





doubt ill stream but if i do ill post link here


yh kha was op before his major nerfs and hes one of the main things that got me out of silver lol (early s3 i think)


hes still really strong tho, and now i prefer him in jungle rather than mid (where i used to play him)


anyone know date of reset?

Lol you are at uni tho? doubt u will be able to stream there lol'


nightblu3 does it, so can he if he so wishes. ain't impossible.



Pretty sure he lives at home and goes to uni from there instead of stayin at the dorms


wow what a fucking loser LOL






doubt ill stream but if i do ill post link here


yh kha was op before his major nerfs and hes one of the main things that got me out of silver lol (early s3 i think)


hes still really strong tho, and now i prefer him in jungle rather than mid (where i used to play him)


anyone know date of reset?

Lol you are at uni tho? doubt u will be able to stream there lol'


nightblu3 does it, so can he if he so wishes. ain't impossible.



Pretty sure he lives at home and goes to uni from there instead of stayin at the dorms


wow what a fucking loser LOL



How does that make him a loser rofl


rofl biggest loser na






doubt ill stream but if i do ill post link here


yh kha was op before his major nerfs and hes one of the main things that got me out of silver lol (early s3 i think)


hes still really strong tho, and now i prefer him in jungle rather than mid (where i used to play him)


anyone know date of reset?

Lol you are at uni tho? doubt u will be able to stream there lol'


nightblu3 does it, so can he if he so wishes. ain't impossible.



Pretty sure he lives at home and goes to uni from there instead of stayin at the dorms


wow what a fucking loser LOL




the dream team



idk why people take tp on shen I think it's so fucking bad


"but I can tp back to tower after I ult" ... no just no

lol why no its needed 



the dream team



idk why people take tp on shen I think it's so fucking bad


"but I can tp back to tower after I ult" ... no just no

lol why no its needed 


go afk


i was thinking just over winter break, and why cant people stream at uni?


on the 'dream team' thing... i think thats only happened to me twice in my entire league career lol... memorable moments!!!!


if u flame one flame u get banned from forums - fact


i havent played league once this new year i dont think! 

hopefully i can play a bit before the reset then im getting my climbing boots on


i was thinking just over winter break, and why cant people stream at uni?


on the 'dream team' thing... i think thats only happened to me twice in my entire league career lol... memorable moments!!!!


Probs internet isnt that great at uni dorms?


Delta isnt dumb enough to spend $50 on a skin


anyone wanna do some normals in like an hour and 10 (watching sherlock @ half 9 then im ready 2 rumble)


Delta isnt dumb enough to spend $50 on a skin

when im rich af im buying championship riven and maining her



Delta isnt dumb enough to spend $50 on a skin

when im rich af im buying championship riven and maining her



oh lord


Delta isnt dumb enough to spend $50 on a skin

when im rich af im buying championship riven and maining her
and then ull realize that she's banned every game and cry



Delta isnt dumb enough to spend $50 on a skin

when im rich af im buying championship riven and maining her
and then ull realize that she's banned every game and cry




Delta isnt dumb enough to spend $50 on a skin

when im rich af im buying championship riven and maining her
and then ull realize that she's banned every game and cry


Played quite a bit during the break that im bored of the game for now lol


I wanna see if new diana skin will look good with particles


anyone watching this clg camp thing?


There are some funny as fk moments

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