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i've been grinding 07 the first few days

havent played a league game in a while

still on my quest till lvl 30 :]

will update ofc


lol, i played 07 a bit aswell just for the nostalgia but i think im over the game


im in 07 atm but im still playin atleast 1 league a day i'd say

but yeah like you did, this isnt permanent its mostly for nostalgia :o


playing 07 atm but it sucks.

Anyone inv me and il play LoL lol


been playing jax... holy shit is he fun


yh fun champ, played couple times but got retarded team mates on the 1st one and my client crashed on the 2nd match and when i connected they were all lvl 7s :E


fnatic top played Blitz vs EG, was pretty fun match to watch


i really dont know how u manage to be in bronze leagues delta rofl. im terrible and im in silver at least


i really dont know how u manage to be in bronze leagues delta rofl. im terrible and im in silver at least

i shit you not, its my team. And i know everyone blames their team, but it is lol.

Been up for promotion twice, and lost 2 matches due to an afker at 1 min lol.


the amount of retards at my lvl is just unbelievable, had a 0/15 wukong last game :E


why is it always whenever i have a blitzcrank on my team he blows but whenever hes on the other team hes the best blitzcrank na


why is it that i play with germans who go afk and feed and french who are genuinely the most retarded people ive ever come across in my whole fucking life


playing on eune is like having brain cancer, playing on euw is about the same now

i came later to champ pick than the others for some reason, asked if i could go mid and nobody was against it, i locked Kata and then some lad (french) starts flaming that why im picking kata when person X is going to mid (hadn't even picked a champ, picked Brand which is free champ). Then the rest of the team decides to start flaming me, i posted a screeny telling them that i came late to the champ pick and why didnt they say anything when i asked whether i could go mid. Apparently I was a troll who should be reported, time to dodge and fuck league.

now give me a nuclear bomb and ill remove one retarded country off this planet


You have to be all cute with pleases and XD faces


yeah and then they reply

sorry mi frnech no sprek englis me go acd nd pwn n00bz

then they go 0/14 as caitlyn


lol yeah, or ''duo bot'', or motherfucking INSTALOCKERs


had this one jax who whent to jungle, his name was like hardcoresomething and he said ''dw guiz i carry u coz im hardcore''

ganked mid 0 times and ended up being lvl 12 when i was lvl 18, probs had minus kdr aswell, cnt rememb


just say 16/f/uk mid

works for me


0 17 10 with ashe

guess whos not playing adc anymore


i wouldnt have thought french would be retarded until i read what you guys have been saying.

brazillians however, jesus.


just say 16/f/uk mid

works for me


took me a sec to read what you meant haha


i wouldnt have thought french would be retarded until i read what you guys have been saying.

brazillians however, jesus.

yeah me neither, after having to play with polaks on East server i thought i had seen the biggest retards around this game but nah, the french beat them easily so far

btw i see cameron lurking!!!11


bots think they can spam my topic h3h3

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