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Fun series skt vs ktb 


faker op


I wish it wasnt so much of a stomp


gl farminal


yey 50 points gold 1.... shit is taking forever with +5 lp


got my razer naga hex yeeeeeeee


delta/skidz im going work now then gym after r u gna be on at like 12 to play friends??


Dno. On train heading to uni atm so see how I feel


yey 50 points gold 1.... shit is taking forever with +5 lp

gl it's a struggle



i was leona support (dying alot but my team agreed i supported really well)


we had a gragas mid 13/0


ez adc 8/0


then our teemo top decided to die 12 times in a row to nasus.


their nasus got big, they won. 




fuck teemos


call me nightdizzy3hiu.PNG


literally the worst game I ever played


get into champ select nobody called roles and ends up last 2 picks picking garen and trynda at 2 secs left


get into game garen dcs at level 5, I gank all lanes and apply loads of pressure took all drakes and 1 baron when garen dcs for 3/4th time at about 30 mins followed by blitz hooking the nasus and also dcing (not coming back to the game)


I insta die from lee kicking me into their fountain (GA didn't proc because of laser) and nasus and lux ace us


they end up doing baron and trynda gets hooked by thresh and insta dies without ulting and they end up acing us 3v5 because of our 2 dcs



was my first promo game I carried so fucking hard its unreal and all people have to do is stay in game so its a 5v5 and they cant even do that Q.Q




Now i think about it, it was my fault not being able to carry 4/3v5 with my score


Now i think about it, it was my fault not being able to carry 4/3v5 with my score

no, khazix needs to jump to the back line or he will get cc'd, without garen to soak up damage you can do work but you will die In a team fight.

Also if they were smart they split pushed for days


Now i think about it, it was my fault not being able to carry 4/3v5 with my score

Nah they would've just split pushed and overwhelm you like that lol



yey 50 points gold 1.... shit is taking forever with +5 lp

gl it's a struggle


thanks :P


had a dream that each gambit member was posting on these boards


hate everyone who plays khazix


im so glad u lost ur first game btw.


ur forever staying in gold with me


lmfao you mug, don't even care atm didn't even know I was going to have my promos


would prob be mad if that was s4 and I lost tho


im back at home when u gonna be on josh


lmfao you mug, don't even care atm didn't even know I was going to have my promos would prob be mad if that was s4 and I lost tho

quit you belong in gold

lmfao you mug, don't even care atm didn't even know I was going to have my promos would prob be mad if that was s4 and I lost tho

quit you belong in gold

You got plat after 3 seasons and a fuck tonne of ranked games I got to my division from when 07 came out in around 220 ranked games

You are shit I am king

Posted (edited)

lmfao you mug, don't even care atm didn't even know I was going to have my promos would prob be mad if that was s4 and I lost tho

quit you belong in gold
You got plat after 3 seasons and a fuck tonne of ranked games I got to my division from when 07 came out in around 220 ranked gamesYou are shit I am king
lol you dont know shit about my ranked history I didn't play season1 and I achieved high gold in season 3 which is equivelent to plat 1-2 season 3 if I didn't stop playing and loosing so much mmr to inactivity I would be higher Edited by k or as i

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