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Posted (edited)

Btw its Beyoncé


Reads like bey-once now  :laugh:

Edited by X0

Took Squirt thanks fred lol


lol what a shit name


come back online?


lols at dariens reaction to his ww being banned




lols at dariens reaction to his ww being banned



iceborn gauntlets diving into five people at Nexus tower still doesn't give a f***


Darien a beautiful man




Cant find a supp I like to play with to duo so back to jungle I go


first ranked game has been lost in season 4.

silver mid+top i dont even know what happend to my mmr apart from reset


panth top vs renekton? and worlds worst gragas

never had a chance


And won my first, was 5v4 since the start, their alistar bot was afk which was his name  :laugh:



Did allright other then the fail lvl 4 gank on their solo adc giving her a triple kill  <_<


Lost the first game.... our adc was focusing the support all the time because the support was "Trash talking him"... im done


going to play Lee or elise whenever they are open for jungle not sure what my tier 2 picks are though


Havent played in like over a week im scared of placements


i lost 8/10 placements last season so im scared


i lost 8/10 placements last season so im scared

lmfao I remember you were like bronze somet after placements and I went straight to silver huiehe

Posted (edited)

yolo'ing it up in placements, im already fucked and will probs get placed silver

2-4 in placement games now.


gna be that plat border guy playing with silvers  :laugh:



2 silver, bronze, gold and then me in this game :(


ok won




StormVic: well its really hard to focus when this guys comes along flaming

Greatfriend: uhhuh

Greatfriend: look in the mirror

Greatfriend: ;)

StormVic: omg your name is greatfriend??? what a loser!!!

Greatfriend: pro tip


Ânnie Frank: everyone loses guys chill

Ânnie Frank: cant win them all

StormVic: change it to "fuckingidiot

Working on my karma ;)

Edited by X0
Posted (edited)

i dont know if i will have time to play league anymore

Edited by k or as i

hearing this soft reset isn't so soft, a lot of people dropping 2 or so divisions even if they win like 5 or 6/10 in their placements

Posted (edited)

hearing this soft reset isn't so soft, a lot of people dropping 2 or so divisions even if they win like 5 or 6/10 in their placements

No shit.... if ur plat 5 its 1750+1200/2=1475 = silver 1

Then if u know if u play on a fresh lvl 30 its:

10 wins = gold 4/5/silver 1

9 wins silver 1

8 wins silver 1/2

5 lose/wins = bronze 1/silver 4/5

and 10 loses is bronze 4/5

Big differences so if u go 5-5 ur probs gna get the mmr u got reset to or really close to it

tldr the higher u are the more u drop, every diamond person is gna get plat or lower even the challengers gonna get plat max even if they go 10-0

That means some ppl drop 6+ divisions lol

Wrote it a little bit fast but i think you get the idea, rito wants everyone to drop divisions else its not really a reset.


Anyone played in the lagg? Luckily i won but didn't matter much because enemy team got lose forgiven

4-4 now.

Edited by X0
Posted (edited)



Some true horror stories in this thread.




Gold 1 --> Plat 4 after going 6/4 in placements




D1 went 2-8 now Silver1


The real deal!





Was Gold 2 -> won 10/10 games, see what happened http://i.imgur.com/swr2xDv.jpg




l0l my friend was plat 5 dropped to bronze 2 http://gyazo.com/4afbca5871fcfee4797b370e8afd6fd1





D1 80 lp, 5-5 in placements -> Plat 5 and my peak rating was d1 96 lp

Edited by DeltaPapa

Suppose riot does it on purpose because they removed clamping,

If u have higher mmr then ur division = more LP per game


rip eu servers


dno what i was thinking before but I  just changed my name to 'Cakes'


better than kleenex for sure

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