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made a taric game log 2 days ago.

Format: k/d/a game win/lose

1/2/21 win
0/8/22 loss
1/7/8 loss
0/1/8 win
1/4/10 loss
2/1/19 win
0/3/6 loss
0/4/20 win
2/7/17 win
1/8/29 win
0/5/21 win
0/3/12 win
3/2/13 win
4/4/16 win
2/4/18 win
1/1/23 win
4/5/28 win
2/1/17 win
2/6/24 win
3/4/25 win
2/4/32 win
0/2/6 win
3/5/4 loss
2/4/23 win
0/5/19 win
0/5/4 loss
2/3/21 win
1/4/13 loss
0/1/14 win


silver I tonight hopefully.


about to do promos, just need 2/3 homies!!!


might then get to 100LP for gold V !

fred are u duoing?

I got into gold 5 solely because i duoed with somebody of my skill level assuring that at least 2/5 of my team wasn't retarded




nope. i need to.



lost promos!


first game kayle


won lane vs gragas then our amumu jungle decided to throw hard by not ganking any1 and just farming jungle so their heca jungle got fed af


second game olaf


won lane HARD vs irelia was 80 farm ahead and 2/0/0 


then bot lane decides to feed their leona to 7/0 and our gragas goes from 3/0 to 3/9


op teams on my promos!


(everyone i played with was platinum in season 3)


i got so many h8rs feel special


1v1 me anyone


Haters tryna get at me


apparently on the latest PBE patch notes thay're planning on nerfing kayle's AP ratios on her Q because rito doesnt want her to be a burst champion


Her R is gonna be no mana cost at all and they're buffing her W to help her sustain more in lane... kinda a piss take to all the kayle players


really is getting old to see any champion make it to competitive play and rito nerfs



i hope bjerg never plays malz

muh free elo ._.


also hi everyone I thought I couldn't post on forums :^)


what happened to u andrew


also Movespeed runes are so strong its crazy


you're playing vs gold and silver pal feedora needs to be retired though


you're playing vs gold and silver pal feedora needs to be retired though


gold/plat from season 3 i mean


Ms quints are srsly underrated...they help you chase down champs and escape from champs so basically you dont lose "potential damage" unless you plan on getting fb...


Also helps you roam alot, tried it on gragas and its op


ur all queers lol


Rito lied to me.. was gold 3 they said if i win promo ill be gold 1.......they LIED i got gold 2 ...those fuckers


really wanna play placements but this ping zzzzzzz


what happened to u andrew

what do you mean pal


Made it to top played list with taric, hope i stay somewhere in this list :D



Made it to top played list with taric, hope i stay somewhere in this list :D


holyshit good job lol

The guy under him is a beast 1 death average in 44 games


The guy under him is a beast 1 death average in 44 games

yeah he's a smurf i've seen him play, hes really good but plays EXTREMELY safe.

Posted (edited)

my 2 accounst:


7 wins out of 10 - plat 4 to plat 1


3 wins out of 10 - gold 4 to silver 1


someone pls teach me how to climb out of gold  but omw to diamond soon coz i get more lp when I win then when i lose

Edited by FearMy Def

I really want to expand my champ pool but I cant stop playing ranked...and im not going to play champs im shit with in ranked so I got that going for me...


my 2 accounst:


7 wins out of 10 - plat 4 to plat 1


3 wins out of 10 - gold 4 to silver 1


someone pls teach me how to climb out of gold  but omw to diamond soon coz i get more lp when I win then when i lose

sea doesn't count

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