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Don't U hate when ur bot lane has 90% of your team's death





no 5/0 tho


okay so


in my last game of promo i take support


little do i know my draven cannot adc but he didnt say anything...


 he goes 2/12 and quits, then his premade friend says "report leona"



this elo man


are you playing with silver/golds?


okay so

in my last game of promo i take support

little do i know my draven cannot adc but he didnt say anything...

he goes 2/12 and quits, then his premade friend says "report leona"

this elo man

are you playing with silver/golds?

im guessing its random as it's placements right?



stopped caring about how the team does in normals now, i know it's a bad attitude but I don't care whether we win or lose as long as I'm happy with my own performance tbh.

Posted (edited)



haven't played normal in a month

Edited by Wally1337
Posted (edited)

My new taric build/mastery/runes


essential if your enemy team has less than 2 ap casters: cdr glyphs + 5% & cdr mastery thats 12.5%


start game: relic


first b: targons brace (for extra hp and gold/minion kill)


second b: chain vest


third b: GLACIAL SHROUD (10% CDR, 45 armour, 300 mana)


Basically 22.5% CDR + 300 mana is fkn op spam spells and have enough mana, especially with mana regen utility.. oh an armour...gems like armour...


Basically you benefit from the armour/mana/cd which is all that taric needs for early game domination (<15 min)

Edited by Wally1337

new riv skin is fkin nice



okay so


in my last game of promo i take support


little do i know my draven cannot adc but he didnt say anything...


 he goes 2/12 and quits, then his premade friend says "report leona"



this elo man


are you playing with silver/golds?



normally but we had a plat V top laner premade with the bronze I adc ...

Posted (edited)

0-2 again


in other news lvl 13 on hearthstone

how can i play heartstone i installed on battle.net but no play button its greyed out apparently EU cant play only NA how are u playing


nvm logged in on NA client working now merica!

Edited by k or as i

i thought u could only play heartstone if u started in the beta?


can someone explain to me how to get it





lol its annoying being support.


although i play perfectly and get our adc ahead, you can't control things like an ahri mid roaming constantly with a ryze mid for us who left lane 0 times.


ahri ended 8/0 by end of laning phase


sux so hard


Any non league related posts within this boards will result in a day mute.

~ Farmoil



10-0 series and only gold 2? Fuck you riot


#FuckRiot #YOLO #League #Fuckstogive


5/0 in series yay, had to go adc last game still carried rofl ezpz


Its open beta now.. and why play on na korasi? eu beta open since last week.

Also beta on the game is like 'beta' twisted treeline... fully working game just with beta infront of it for some reason.

Its fun to do as distraction to league.


Played diana like twice in 3 months.


played her today and I was shocked at how much mechanics I was messing up, used to be autonomous but I find myself thinking about everything :(



Posted (edited)

Its open beta now.. and why play on na korasi? eu beta open since last week.

Also beta on the game is like 'beta' twisted treeline... fully working game just with beta infront of it for some reason.

Its fun to do as distraction to league.

yh im level 11 i use to play shadow era on my phone very similar 


and it dont let me click play on EU i dont know why

Edited by k or as i
Posted (edited)


How are you level 11 if u never played it before korasi? u probs mean lvl 11 with a champion lol?

You can get lvl 50 with each champ but once u get 20 u have unlocked all basic cards.

I ment ranked lvl13(3stars) on heartstone

it goes 25>20 2 stars each =bronze

20>15 3 stars each = silver

15>10 4 starts each> = gold

10>5 5 stars each = plat

5>1 6 (5 or 6) each = diamond

then top 250 'legendary' players which is challenger in translated to league obv


0-1 in promos again, so fucking done...

ganked top, almost had a kill but my garen had tp on accident instead of ignite.. so i run back we see their jungler coming up, little did i know or did fizz ping was their lb came aswell killing me for doubles at 4:00... causing me to go in blindrage for the whole game.

Funny the score at 32:00 was 19-42 and they didnt have an inhib next 15min was our comeback we got inhib, baron because we kept catching them but then we grouped which was retarded becaue there was noway we would ever win 5v5 since their fiddlesticks support was more like ap carry so he killed me (khazix) tris and fizz with 1 ult.

like 80% winrate in non promo games, hate this fucking division shit so much

Edited by X0
Posted (edited)

and 0-2

they had panth+riven bot vayne was 0-3 in 2minutes, lvl 3 at 6min, 75cs at 20min

1-8 nasus and feeding mid aswell, they did not know what wards are

im sure ill win 3 in a row now!



1-2 lol, not like it matters since im gonna go 2-2 then go 2-3..

Killed their jungler twice in first 3min, so was a stomp until leona decided to dc for 10min causing the killscore to go from 5-17 to 12-19 but then i backdoored inhib they went baron while i was dead but my adc got triple and baron so we ended.


2-2 now, trolled as teemo went 4-12-1 fed their akali like no tomorrow but they had an afk lee sin l0l

Edited by X0
Posted (edited)


Edited by DeltaPapa

3-2... lol from 0-2 to 3-2, wat is dis

o well finaly time to rush to gold 1

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