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Jungle vi.


Anyone got tips/tricks or items she must have


didn't she get nerfed a bit


still strong as fk



having to backdoor everygame cus im always teamed with 4ns....

also not as active playing grinding 07 too much


why are u playing yi lol, maybe u can stomp lvl 20s with it as AP but when someone finally knows how to counter u its a gg no rm k0

quinn is pretty annoying as of now, i see a nerf coming somewhere soon



having to backdoor everygame cus im always teamed with 4ns....

also not as active playing grinding 07 too much

normal games



i dont really mind quinn

but if shes fed yeah its gg


why are u playing yi lol, maybe u can stomp lvl 20s with it as AP but when someone finally knows how to counter u its a gg no rm k0

quinn is pretty annoying as of now, i see a nerf coming somewhere soon

Hes playing AD yi -.-

How the fuck does a AP yi supposed to back doorlol


why are u playing yi lol, maybe u can stomp lvl 20s with it as AP but when someone finally knows how to counter u its a gg no rm k0

quinn is pretty annoying as of now, i see a nerf coming somewhere soon

Hes playing AD yi -.-

How the fuck does a AP yi supposed to back doorlol

find me where i said that he played AP right there in some particular match, i was questioning the usefulness of the whole champion

why are u playing yi lol, maybe u can stomp lvl 20s with it as AP but when someone finally knows how to counter u its a gg no rm k0

quinn is pretty annoying as of now, i see a nerf coming somewhere soon

Hes playing AD yi -.-

How the fuck does a AP yi supposed to back doorlol

find me where i said that he played AP right there in some particular match, i was questioning the usefulness of the whole champion

Using the words "why are you using Yi" and "AP" in the same sentence directly links them together


Some high elo youtubers?


scarra and theoddone

my personal favs :D


oh and gross gore


Some high elo youtubers?

Voyboy and wingsofdeath for toplane.

Scarra mid

Snoopeh Jungle

Chaox Adc

Aphromoo Support

They are the best at commentating what they are doing etc


Cant find their youtubes!

Link ;(


Snoopeh & Rekkles are the best ones


3rd game renekton


ill post ur 0/7 with renekton game screeny or8m8?



Had a game yesterday, by the time laning was finished opposing fizz was 8/1 (i ganked him even though i was top lane)

ended up going around 18/13/12 olaf, vs a fizz with 36 kills.. all my team and 3 of them honoured me though h3h3


should hit dat dere lvl 30 sometime in tomorrow if i cba to play

gonna have to uninstall league after that though lol, uni exams in June and gotta start reading hardcore ffs no Diamond for me


League is cancer

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