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This Bloke ****ing Feeds


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Lol they weren't too bad in teamfights and they actually listened to my calls so can't complain. Guess they need to work on their last hitting

or u obama tax them?


tax is op, especially on noc lvl 3 gank top get lvl 4-5, first to 6 is gggggg

Edited by FearMy Def
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I try not to tax hard, if I get the kill I dont take any of the lane minions but if I give it over then I think im entitled to a few ;p


btw look at mine (Wukong) and their jungle (Zed) - not that much difference in terms of kills/assists and almost exactly the same farm (both minions and neutral) but this is the gold difference if you don't upgrade spirit stone as a first item


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it was also a 32 minute game so i presume you took more turrets/dragons so you would have got much more gold than him through that.


32 min game only probably gives you ~500 gold on a spirit item

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it was also a 32 minute game so i presume you took more turrets/dragons so you would have got much more gold than him through that.


32 min game only probably gives you ~500 gold on a spirit item


pretty sure it was equal on turrets, they were all down for both teams but we had ~3 drakes and baron extra


edit: and you get like 700+ gold from it as well

Edited by Skidddz
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When farmoil jungles he will get the kill, smite the cannon and then take about 4 creeps


so annoying

༼ つ ຈل͜ຈ ༽つ taxerino ༼ つ ຈل͜ຈ ༽つ

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placed in bronze 2. 6-4 or somethin in my placements. had 2 trolls games but the rest were legit losses.


#roadtosilver begins


if i were to do placements now id probably be placed in bronze 

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When farmoil jungles he will get the kill, smite the cannon and then take about 4 creeps


so annoying

༼ つ ຈل͜ຈ ༽つ taxerino ༼ つ ຈل͜ຈ ༽つ


Im a Taxeler (-_-(-_-( -_-) -_-) -_-)

Edited by k or as i
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Ur leaving open wukong, khazix and Elise. Not very smart

wukong overrated imo, standard fotm shit, people will stop playing him soon.

most kha's feed in bronze, elise's cant land cocoons. simple.

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