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dunno whats wrong with me atm, playin so bad


apparently league is up


damn.... it doesn't tell you anymore what division you will promoted to next :(


I heard you stop perma-skipping divisions a month after the season started properly so RIP


xerath why so op


xerath weakkkkkkkkkkkkk




our jungle and top picks were trash. but the after game chat was really nice. The other team didnt trash talk us or anything, they just agreed with me when i calmly said, our jungle and top picks were bad for teamfights. Shyvana controlled me throughout teamfights everytime i tried to dive their backline, and we had no tank on our team either. I shat on xerath really hard though. but yeah. rare that you get to discuss a match in depth like that after a game. shame i wont meet any of those kind people again.

Posted (edited)

fred and josh already know


i love when i do well on a new champ for me 



p.s josh all u have to do is ask

Edited by Skidddz

where you been andrew i missed you :c


When is vel-koz coming out?


When is vel-koz coming out?

your looking at atleast another month with the recent riot performance this year


I've been around :3

where you been andrew i missed you :c




brought out the sona again. much success.

Posted (edited)

When is vel-koz coming out?

He just got put onto pbe so another month i'm guessing. I played him earlier.. Wasn't that strong. He's like kogmaw as in no escape + your abilities have long cast times. His ult is like malz ult where you have to stay still.  His other abilities are really easy to dodge though. Very vulnerable to ganks + mobile champs wrek u. Love his ult tho. Tons of dmg


Maybe I just had a bad match up cause I was vs lee sin + shaco so they can just dodge everything. Fun champ imo i bet it'll be released on march 14th

Edited by Wrecka

When is vel-koz coming out?

He just got put onto pbe so another month i'm guessing. I played him earlier.. Wasn't that strong. He's like kogmaw as in no escape + your abilities have long cast times. His ult is like malz ult where you have to stay still. His other abilities are really easy to dodge though. Very vulnerable to ganks + mobile champs wrek u. Love his ult tho. Tons of dmg

Maybe I just had a bad match up cause I was vs lee sin + shaco so they can just dodge everything. Fun champ imo i bet it'll be released on march 14th

but when they revealed yasuo he was ready within a couple weeks if I remember correctly right? Also, lots of schools here in America have break extremely soon so wouldn't it be smart to release it on a day when everybody will buy rp and buy him?

Also @korasi,

They've been doing bad for EU xD




new renek skin is sickkkkk




Was tilting soooooo hard this game. The teemo went 0/4 in like 10 minutes (as teemo does) and started flaming me when I didn't come top to gank his lost lane. Me and Riven had good synergy and I got her ahead pretty early, but then I got counterganked twice (my fault for not warding) and went from 2/02 to 2/4/2 :c

Then me and riven duo baron @ level 13 and steamrolled in one push.


first time getting properly flamed at this elo :/ toxic players are everywhere


apparently plat is the most toxic league.









never again

Posted (edited)

Pretty sure my mmr is around low silver, keep getting matched up with silvers in ranked.

Edited by Insecurities

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