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u actually r shit now


u actually r shit now

yh luckily you are still lcs so it's ok


and omg dyrone. mancrush confirmed


sexy quadra kill on zed in ranked today

Posted (edited)



enemy team:


gragas (jungle)


orianna (support)


blitz (jungle)


kha'zix (mid)


lucian (adc)




Edited by My Gwas



enemy team:


gragas (jungle)


orianna (support)


blitz (jungle)


kha'zix (mid)


lucian (adc)




i feel like blitz still supported, ori went mid, kha top, grag jungle

ive seen supports take smite before

Posted (edited)

Maybe it will be good with relics shield to push by smiting cannon creep

Edited by k or as i

I wanna shoot you koray


Me and Fatal touch bot lane used to run blitz with smite


enemy thinks they are safe behind a minion... BOOM SMITE GRAB HEADSHOT 


rinse and repeat


Me and Fatal touch bot lane used to run blitz with smite


enemy thinks they are safe behind a minion... BOOM SMITE GRAB HEADSHOT 


rinse and repeat

o i didnt think about that


it wasnt very effective rofl


yh im calling bullshit on mygwas


blitz smite seems realistic with smiting a minion for a quick grab


bullshit comfirmed




fred forgot to write about a top laner

Posted (edited)

bullshit comfirmed




Edited by k or as i

Biggest throw in ranked, im sad

Posted (edited)

I hold onto losses in ranked for so long and blame myself for a lot of shit, wish I could just point fingers or not give a fuck rofl

Was zed vs nid game where I was 8/1 roamed and shut down every lane, they had vayne top, jax jungle and trist adc

I should've kept pinging turrets and pushed while I was strong yet I was being cocky and 3v1'ing completely dismissing the fact if it got later than 30 mins or so we would get shafted.

Anyhow I was splitting bot and killed trist when our elise came bot randomly and they engaged 4v3 @ mid turret and killed all before I took inhib turret I did manage to kill 3v1 and survive but they got stronger of that.

Team wouldnt group, finally we group and quinn splits top, nid hits max range spear on sivir and takes 80% hp and we has to back off where quinn then gets caught out and they get baron. My team then starts being toxic as fuck and not communucating and few mins later sivir & elise push top and both die and they end

I had several opportunies to carry but didn't because I got complacent

Thx for listening to life story

Edited by Farmoil








why are u jelly

u wud be shit at poker farmoil


+ did jax jangles carry


u wud be shit at poker farmoil


+ did jax jangles carry

rofl he was irellevent for early game then come like 40 mins in and hes 3v1ing my adc top and support lols


ranked 2 stressful for u

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