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i pretty much stopped giving away buffs as a jungler now, feel they are more useful on the (/my) jungle. Only really give reds away late game to the adc and blue to a mid that literally can't do anything without it or who scales with alot of mana 


and fred dont listen to him hes just mad he messed up his paper round

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i pretty much stopped giving away buffs as a jungler now, feel they are more useful on the (/my) jungle. Only really give reds away late game to the adc and blue to a mid that literally can't do anything without it or who scales with alot of mana 


and fred dont listen to him hes just mad he messed up his paper round

ha not in that vi/fizz game


let u have the first one as i thought you'd put use to it more than me. Clearly i was wrong

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as getting bullied as i had no mana lol


but like you said, was a bad game


and lol at josh deleting me

Edited by DeltaPapa
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i dunno i was waiting for him to write another life story on here about the situation


Going to leave LoL for awhile though. I'm sucking on it atm and don't really have time for it. I get a few games in, then won't be able to play for a few days and it just makes me shit

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Haven't played heca in a while since I just bought Wukong and Vi, probably gonna start using him more i've just been rotating panth/wu/vi jungle seeing the best matchups.

But yeah s4 main jungle!!


also if you wanna do normals just inv me soloq is boring much more fun to duo (if thats why u can barely play more than a few games)

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Nah what i mean is i'l play like 4 games in a row and then have to go for whatever reason. But then won't be able to play for a few days due to other priorities. So i come back and i have to take smite as my last hitting goes to shit etc


How come you never play elise or lee?

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I'm in the same situation as dan but if I warm up when I get back I'm still a god with the mechanics I just make terrible decision making due to being inactive and loosing interest in competitive play

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