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Posted (edited)

How arent you level 30 yet andrew

I don't have a lot of time to play recently because of school and work/gym

playing League of Legends isn't my priority right now

Edited by Andrew

missed so many hooks omfg.


Started playing cs go competitive.

Stopped playing league.


found a support who is really good to play with the other day, happy times when the person you are bot with knows what they are doing




How arent you level 30 yet andrew

I don't have a lot of time to play recently because of school and work/gym

playing League of Legends isn't my priority right now

keep on going to the gym man
Posted (edited)

anybody help me with this problem:
league been working fine up till now, when you first open league it updates then you click play after i click play it opens but the screen stays black. Any ideas on a fix?

Edited by V i s t a

never been camped so hard in my life


the feeling when u crush bot lane and enemy jax and zed are godlike Q_Q


qss and kiting op.


anybody help me with this problem:

league been working fine up till now, when you first open league it updates then you click play after i click play it opens but the screen stays black. Any ideas on a fix?

look it up reddit or forums

qss and kiting op.

bronze op


riot pls. challanger morg 


the feels when ur whole team does shit




same masteries as me


someone took adc in ranked, forgot how easy it is to carry from jungle 


You where good with morg I havent seen you play it in a while though




i feel like a renekton top but in the mid lane lol, zed so stronk


on a side note anyone wanna duo with me once im lvl 30 so im not put into bronze plis




i feel like a renekton top but in the mid lane lol, zed so stronk


on a side note anyone wanna duo with me once im lvl 30 so im not put into bronze plis

find someone bronze - silver elo


is this decent farm at 20 mins


i couldnt kill anivia mid and my bot was already raping shit so i just farmed jungle after i cleared mid like 100 times


No ranked no care Andrew.

Jk master zed get challenger


No ranked no care Andrew.

Jk master zed get challenger

i should be in challenger


but my teams ya know




lomo andrew i thought to point of u making that smurf was to prove to us that you weren't bronze, which means you wouldn't need a duo partner to carry you through your placements. :D


lomo andrew i thought to point of u making that smurf was to prove to us that you weren't bronze, which means you wouldn't need a duo partner to carry you through your placements. :D

alright there buddy


just quoting what u sed buddy.

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