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eyyyyyyyyyyyyy what's good?




lost lane because I got camped really hard at the start but stuck through and farmed up a bit. Thanks Delta for the advice about grouping btw, helped me out a lot xD


Gratz, basically lcs now


People do not take oobjectives when ahead or grouped which is why they struggle in soloq


looking forward to see you go 0-10 in placements andrew


Posted (edited)

I would of built more armour instead of GA personally but gj man.


Compared to your other jax games though il take this as lucky.


Renek must  have been bad, as going vs him is just brutal. His kit destroys yours. Personally hate him. Prefer going vs riven then a renek.


Bad renektons just use their fury whenever though which i guess what happened here.

Edited by DeltaPapa

I would of built more armour instead of GA personally but gj man.


Compared to your other jax games though il take this as lucky.


Renek must  have been bad, as going vs him is just brutal. His kit destroys yours. Personally hate him. Prefer going vs riven then a renek.


Bad renektons just use their fury whenever though which i guess what happened here.

pretty much. although I find starting e on jax and autoing + e right away at lvl 1 can chunk a renek down low enough to get him to play scared, which is great for me. but yeah my jax is still really bad, sometimes things like this happen tho.


Yeah top laning is so fucking boring now brb actually playing


Yeah i personally like to all in level 2.


Usually top lane is a rush to level 2 anyway, so your pushing minions, so if you E then when there is only like 3 minions you do less damage.


Whereas if you wait till level 2 and the next wave, not only will your E do more damage, you also have W for the AA reset and people thinking what a bellend, hes fighting in my minons.


(your E does more damage per auto blocked and minions count)


nobody banned kassadin hah!


Started playing League again, any important updates i missed? Just figured you can have 6 items instead of 5 nowadays.


Started playing League again, any important updates i missed? Just figured you can have 6 items instead of 5 nowadays.

wtf there used to only be 5 item slots 


Started playing League again, any important updates i missed? Just figured you can have 6 items instead of 5 nowadays.


I take it you mean the trinket update.


You could always have 6 item slots. One would usually be filled with wards though so yeah, 5 slots.


But yeah the trinket update is nice. Cooldown and the amount they last for is a tad annoying but you get used to it.


its like you can only get 1 game in on eu west before servers turn to shit


NA has been rly shitty lately too lol. Fucking ddosers man


caitlyn such a great champion


Still trying out tons of characters trying to find my favorite to just main and get to challanger. Recently thought of maining ap sion and tris or someone who doesnt have to stay bot.


ap sion with mobs is terror





me and koray carried that so hard it was stupid lol, some of the plays were beautiful


featuring throw when i went from like 11-2-9 to 11-6-10 in about 10 mins


funny game we back doored and shitmo tried to defend we went him back to hell with a kick to the face


Still trying out tons of characters trying to find my favorite to just main and get to challanger. Recently thought of maining ap sion and tris or someone who doesnt have to stay bot.


Have you tried LeBlanc? Seems like that it is a mix of both. A silence, a root, gap closer, burst and shit at farming. She does what they do, but better really.


Gragas pick gragas!! Or khazix!!



Still trying out tons of characters trying to find my favorite to just main and get to challanger. Recently thought of maining ap sion and tris or someone who doesnt have to stay bot.


Have you tried LeBlanc? Seems like that it is a mix of both. A silence, a root, gap closer, burst and shit at farming. She does what they do, but better really.


im sure that to pull of leblanc in soloq you need to claim objectives mainly towers early hence you will need good teamwork, they say she falls of late which i can see why.


once the adc gets a banshees she is not able to do much 

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