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just lost to a fiddle mid as leblanc 


time to quit and play rs ._.


LB is probably at her strongest late game. Have items and can burst down the adc or supp within seconds.


And I don't see how you need good team work with her. Can see how taking towers will help her roaming process but hardly necessary


Do you guys get bored after 2-3 games MAX? Cause i do and then quit league for the rest of the day


Do you guys get bored after 2-3 games MAX? Cause i do and then quit league for the rest of the day

yeah but I usually just do other stuff till I feel in the mood 


Do you guys get bored after 2-3 games MAX? Cause i do and then quit league for the rest of the day



i only get bored if im playing alone


I am so good with shaco going to do my promo with hiM


Maxing W on Leblonkers.


Farm like a princess yet kill like Mary I


3 inhibs down and both nexus turrets down.. and we came back thehehe


GJ. Seems they had such a strong lane bully team. Garen, cait + janna, malz compared to your comp.


Must have been tough to turtle it. Guess that's why you should never surrender in ranked.


thoughts on vel'koz

Posted (edited)

Just got my ass handed to me vs a damond 4 full ad shen lol.


His damage was insane. Genuinely dunno how i could have done anything to help me.


He had double my cs throughout lol. Zoned me so hard

Edited by DeltaPapa

im more toxic when i play alone.

was playing morg support, got 2 kills so my adc started flaming me and said hed go top instead. i just told him to have fun up there cause i was going afk. went afk, no regrets, fuck that guy.


Morg support is so strong if she gets kills anyway lol. Gives her a chance to build some AP and her ratios scale really well.


Unless it was really badly killstealed your adc is an idiot lol.


yeah we lost that game thankfully, he didnt deserve that win.


how does a teemo give first blood to a renek at lvl 2. 


Ignite > Q > AA > E > >AA


Probably does rougly 600dmg.


100 fury easily to do.


very easily if thats a srs question lol


very easily if thats a srs question lol

Posted (edited)

Pretty easy. One fuck up and renek can all in you and kill your ass so ez. Assuming teemo took q e/e q he has no escape

Edited by Wrecka

wrecka whats your league name? 


been playing a lot of draven lately, such a broken champ 

Posted (edited)

first promo win i carried hard by split pushing and taking baron unwarded twice and all drakes all game


had second most gold in game and i was vs a lee sin jungle vi top and brand mid which are terror champs for shaco


also i got invaded  earlly lost all my boxes was so behinde 


i am god


4/4/12 not bad

Edited by k or as i
Posted (edited)

wrecka whats your league name? 


been playing a lot of draven lately, such a broken champ 

RLP I haven't been able to play ranked though cause no time/DCing a fuck ton. I had like gold 1 mmr last season. All i've doing is first win/aram once in a while. I dced like forty times yesterday. Thank the lord i was playing with 5 man premade so no reports.


I did that lolparse.com thing and it says i have like ~100 games of draven and I only have like 400 games so that's a pretty big chunk. My most played in ranked was Zed after doing placements with Draveeeen.

Just did it and this is it 

Champ Games Time Played

Draven  112  4,123

Caitlyn  43  1,007

Khazix  23  719


Edited by Wrecka

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