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Similar to Malz i guess.


He is really weak to assassins as he has low mobility.


His ulti does insane damage and its better to get close to him rather than further away to dodge it.


He is all skill shots so anyone with mobility recks him. Can see panth  destroying him tbh

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Really liking shen atm.


Tanky, good damage, CC


He just cant carry which is the problem :/


I taunt everyone off my adc/team and then rush down their adc who will instantly focus me usually as im in his face. Yet the team can never finish the others off.


I was max build and vayne melted me down within 5-7seconds and we get aced and only kill 1 and they go onto finish.


Not sure what i could have done there.


He also has a really low win rate at  46% :/

Edited by DeltaPapa
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Yeah when I was leveling smurfs both on eu/na they play more like team death match.. They just play to kill each others over and over lol. I felt kinda bad split pushing etc. But then matchmaking realizes you're a smurf and will put you vs smurfs then it just becomes toxic as fk


Also yeah shen can't carry. IMO it all comes down to your bot lane winning or you're pretty useless other than split pushing

Edited by Wrecka
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too many champs i wanna master atm.


Shen, Akali, Ez and Urgot.


Shen can handle any of ^ them who get countered.


Akali for squishies


Ezreal if their team comp allows it


Urgot because i got raped by one the other day

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Akalis still strong as fuck, get nervous as fuck when i see one on the enemy team..


And oh god a good urgot will kill you from a mile away without you even being able to touch him

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why don't you just play meta champs


Current meta champs for top are boring as fk :( might give shyv ago as she used to be banned 24/7 and now never is.





Akalis still strong as fuck, get nervous as fuck when i see one on the enemy team..


And oh god a good urgot will kill you from a mile away without you even being able to touch him



and all this lol.


I love akali mechanics more than lee sin. And the urgot was insane. He landed his ability which homes the miscile in every time and i couldnt even cs at tower...

Edited by DeltaPapa
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Twitch top is insanely strong thing with shen is you need to constantly be aware of the map which is annoying good shen ultis and splitpushes carry games

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name on na?


it's a vayne only smurf qq. pls no laugherino but Vayne's one of those champs I've wanted to master for a long time. 'Vayne Ikezawa' is the name.

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Twitch top is insanely strong thing with shen is you need to constantly be aware of the map which is annoying good shen ultis and splitpushes carry games


Personally i think im pretty good at splitpushing and like doing that so its good.


And yeah I thats the problem with shen in soloq is often communication isnt great, and even if you do ulti someone they just run away anyway. Gonna drop shen and go shyv lol



Twitch top is insanely strong


I remember watching HotShotGG do twitch top on his smurf and he recked with it. srsly recked. I tried it and I dunno how he done so good lol. I'm really bad with squishy champs. Positioning etc is my weak point.  Il just stand there looking at my opponents HP bar and not even look whats attacking me

Edited by DeltaPapa
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name on na?


it's a vayne only smurf qq. pls no laugherino but Vayne's one of those champs I've wanted to master for a long time. 'Vayne Ikezawa' is the name.


vaynes also my favourite champ but with bot lane atm and supports being so strong and champs like draven and lucian that can shit on vayne you have to play the lane perfectly which is why I'm just playing da ops atm 

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Why don't you try udyr or renekton top Dan you can zone enemy so hard I played renekton in ranked I zoned enemy top for like 5 waves he was lvl2 I was 6 the only time I died was when I dived them 2v1 for the disrespect still killed 1 rofl renekton is such a bully and if you do well in lane lategame is OP

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lol first time regi comes back on screen and he yawns. Twitch chat goes wild about wukong/eye brows lol. Crowd seemed to like him though!

Edited by DeltaPapa
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