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been playing ad yi for a few days.

another 2 pages worth of games, i'd say im 4:1 winning, playing jungle.

something like 200 kills for 80 deaths over 3 days haha, quite fun.

the 1 defeat there was such an amazing game.... our bot lane quit at level 3 so it was 3v5 for the entire game, ended up 29 kills to 29 kills and we had all turrets down but their numbers overpowered us and we lost :((((((((((

  • 2 weeks later...



:] too stronk


L2play someone else andrew noob


Who do you guys think best jungle is in competitive scene?


Who do you guys think best jungle is in competitive scene?

xin zhao 

mega carry


Who do you guys think best jungle is in competitive scene?


Depends on what style of play your going for/what the team need. 


Voli/Nasus/Xin are top 3 atm


Not on about champs, on about players




Diamondprox hands down.


Every jungler basically picks what he picks.


Diamondprox made shyvana famous

Diamondprox made Counter jungling famous

Diamondprox made Xin famous

Diamondprox made Voli famous

Diamondprox made Nasus famous


he basically sets the bar imo


I think I will just focus on jungle, really like voli ;0

What you think about khazix


i have no idea what the fuck im doing jungling with kha


i've tried fiddle and his lvl 5 fears are sick for ganks

voli is just scary lol


Yeh rofl, was going to buy voli before I took my break from league.

When I came back I expected him to be nerfed to the ground, he seems like he hasn't been touched :s

Been watching some vids with oddone on khazix, seems hella fun but he looks even more mana dependent then other champs I have played


try zed jungle unless ur mid goes kat or akali 

then blue is all urs :]


That's weird I was thinking of maining zed top but think I will just stick to jungle and try get beast der


I used to play voli top and it was good too. Your W is underestimated big time.


Kha is good, just remember to Q them when nothing is around. I dont like him personally.


Yh kinda funny because you just stack hp and W does more dmg, I feel he is a low skill cap jungle which is fun


Zed mid looks pretty kewl


Snoopeh has been doing for a while jungling with all the champs alphabetically, check his stream out :) also has pretty good music which i like : P


keep failing my promotion games to get gold 1..


Fungame with tyler and serbia.. l0l


Serbia ran in 1v5 few times extending this game by 25minutes l0l


How long is tsm gamecribs going on for?


Waiting for reverse annie to come on sale.


I got panda annie and prom queen.


And i believe the entire lcs farmoil


y does everyone spam froggen when a stream dcs

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