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yay wp tsm, I feel like oddone is playing like a beast this season


do you still think dyrus sucks?


I hope teams don't start the whole dive dyrus over and over every game strat again.. ffs


I think dyrus has a lot of problems but is still a solid player, he will play good in the lcs anyway and then just feed at worlds 


Dno everyone just dove him at worlds etc but anyways doesn't matter kr will win anyways. 


backdoor ftw got promoted to silver 1




dyrus is consistent but rarely carries. this season tho he's improved a lot.


I love dyro


dyrus is just the worst


Has anyone even played Hexakill?


Going to stop using LoLNexus.


Makes me tilt when i see my lane matchup is a diamond or plat knowing they are better than me. I don't really care about seeing their runes/masteries as its pretty obvious what they have.


Just going to have the mindset that we are equal and should respect them.


I wish jungle didn't get so popular, would love to play jungle instead of ad 


fukin nightblue3

Posted (edited)

57 min game. Havent had one that long in awhile.


Their team comp was so strong.


J4 ulti, Vel ulti and all our hp was basically half. Morg ulti on top of that and ryze and twitch to finish us off.


I got to like 35 mins though and i got 4 items and was unkillable. Think i was like 7/7 before 4 items lol.




I wish jungle didn't get so popular, would love to play jungle instead of ad 


fukin nightblue3


And you smashing those adc games lol. Must have played about 50adc games past week. Surprised you haven't got bored quicker

Edited by DeltaPapa

Just gonna jung and play ad whenever it's taken


I never use lolnexus any more; if they are lower than you you'll most likely underestimate them and if they're higher just putting unnecesary pressure on yourself. best thing to do I find is just test the waters with them early and make a judgement call on how risky your plays are gonna be

Posted (edited)

C9 v TSM


everyones fav matchup


From yday game

Regi asked me what to buy during that game.



Edited by DeltaPapa

regi 50cs down at 16 mins.


Not great lol


not sure how wildturtle and xpecial didnt get a massive lead after they chunked cait down to 1/4 hp before minions spawned lol

Posted (edited)

Thats what i thought lol.


One of the casters even said 'well thats the game won"


click away and click back and kha is ganking and they kill both of them wtf bbq sauce


(and cait is at like full hp)

Edited by DeltaPapa

welp gg me 200 ping constantly


I'm losing interest in league. Fuark but I spent quite a bit on skins and shit... GOTTA PLAY


lol that's the worst feeling, once I get bored of league I'm gonna regret the money I spent on it 


Yeah lol and it's not like rs accs.. I can sell those easy.


I think LoL accounts sell for quite abit. I remember looking to see how much my account would be worth ish on ebay and some were going for over $100+


I've spent more than $100 probably but at least its some money back.


And hating  matchmaking atm. Trying to improve on my Jax and plat+ i get destroyed usually, Gold or less i destroy.... :( No middle ground.


Its my csing i need to practice, but against plat they don't let you cs, and gold- kills are easy to get


ive lost interest in league cause im living with my parents again and they make me feel like a shitbag for spending time playing games by guilt tripping me so i just cba really. i miss living alone.

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