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i missed u guise.


also just to get this shit going again my most recent ranked game: look at varus' farm.


Edited by Insecurities
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If i was you I would have started dorans blade. Shield gives shit hp and only protects vs auto attacks. Darius doesnt auto attack for his damage.


Then rush sunfire (giants belt first) and then tiamat or randuins depending on the situation.


Darius is weak at level 5 and 9 so abuse them (where you are strong too). He is also weak while on cooldowns, so if he ever Q's (spins) a wave which will happen often and you can often bait him to do this, do your combo on him. His Q will probably be up again by the time you have remembered, combo'd and gotten out, so if you are lucky he will Q the minions and miss you as you have E'd away. 

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If i was you I would have started dorans blade. Shield gives shit hp and only protects vs auto attacks. Darius doesnt auto attack for his damage.


Then rush sunfire (giants belt first) and then tiamat or randuins depending on the situation.


Darius is weak at level 5 and 9 so abuse them (where you are strong too). He is also weak while on cooldowns, so if he ever Q's (spins) a wave which will happen often and you can often bait him to do this, do your combo on him. His Q will probably be up again by the time you have remembered, combo'd and gotten out, so if you are lucky he will Q the minions and miss you as you have E'd away. 

Cheers. Darius has always been the toughest matchup for me as Renek.

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It's impossible then considering you can only get +4 of anything, apart from Honourable Opponent

must have gotten it from a previous game


^ This guy feeds

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k league unplayable atm used to get fairly consistent 120 ping now i have to play on 500-1.5k not even joking rito pls.

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k league unplayable atm used to get fairly consistent 120 ping now i have to play on 500-1.5k not even joking rito pls.


I usual get around 80-90 ping however I been getting 150-200? Idk riot needs to fix the severs I guess.

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try control panel, close all the processes, 


then try repairing,


then reinstall,


or look on forums for help

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Almost carried my team to victory as jungle shyv but our adc's positioning was so terrible... he kept getting caught by Leona's cc and Jax. 

Ah well. Was a good game.

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How come Lennu doesnt play anymore?

I asked him and he just kinda lost motivation to play even tho his new PC runs league on 120fps. I miss him tbh. That and he's scared to play ranked.

Edited by Insecurities
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