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rip no comeback


and hi ppl :)


Korasi I'm getting on that shaco hype can you give me some tips like build and strats! Thanks :D

Posted (edited)

and hi ppl :)




Dorans ring or flask?


Nashors or Lich bane?


DFG at all?

Always hourglass first vs ad?



Edited by DeltaPapa

he builds ROA on diana and thinks its gr8 better to not ask him


Korasi I'm getting on that shaco hype can you give me some tips like build and strats! Thanks :D

2 box blue 2 box the big white wraith rush elder lizard than hydra than shiv than ie assinate carrys late game GG



and hi ppl :)




Dorans ring or flask?


Nashors or Lich bane?


DFG at all?

Always hourglass first vs ad?






he builds ROA on diana and thinks its gr8 better to not ask him


i am greatest diana  u have seen


Dorans + pots, you can pretty much always safely farm with your Q as long as you dont get chunked too badly 1-3, when you hit 4 its a decent amount of damage and low enough cd on your Q


catalyst first big buy

if ahead finish roa

if behind buy negatron (late upgrade to abyssal sceptre) / buy zhonya one cant remember the name

if behind wait til they burn flash or try and bait it then call for jungler and all in, 9/10 you kill anyone without a flash

if you ever get 1600 gold early game ignore it all and buy needlessly large rod


after RoA i generally finish deathcap then go a defensive item, and then get lich bane


can't tell you much about nashors, I tried it when they first buffed it and it wasn't my favourite, felt a bit underpowered on diana when you get so much extra burst on lich bane, and it dint seem worth sacrificing a defensive item for.


I only buy dfg as a replacement for RoA, if your team is tanky enough that you don't need the 2.8k+ hp that my usual build has.

it's a decent enough buy but her Q range is further than the dfg radius so its a bit hard to set up for a full combo if you are against anyone who knows what they are doing. 

Also you can generally take out any carry without a dfg as soon as you have lich bane/deathcap complete


he builds ROA on diana and thinks its gr8 better to not ask him

What's wrong with ROA on Diana? I thought she was supposed to be kinda tanky as well.


yo Korasi whats your buildpath on shaco?


yo Korasi whats your buildpath on shaco?

look at the top of this page

I've been using Miss Fortune, either playing Support or ADC on Bot I think (Only played 4 games, all vs AI with real teammates)


nice man, gl.


The champs ur playing atm, will change tomorrow btw to a new set


miss fortune supp is strong as fk her aoe slow is really handy


When do I start using runes and masteries? Just confusing me atm


When do I start using runes and masteries? Just confusing me atm

You can start using them at lvl 20. Do not, under any circumstances, buy anything below tier 3 runes.

Mastery points are unlocked as you level, so you can have a maximum of 30. Just go ahead and add the points to your mastery pages each time you level up.


lost 3 games to absolute trolls that didnt get along with eachother should be on dimaond promos instead back to 7 lp fuck this


lost 3 games to absolute trolls that didnt get along with eachother should be on dimaond promos instead back to 7 lp fuck this

ffs always the teams

Posted (edited)



blue build is good idk what you're talking about.

couldn't carry tho.

lb finished the game with a penta that i donated to her when i was last alive.

Edited by Insecurities

The reason I dont like blue build. Cant really carrry. Especially as their team is all about engage.


I guess it depends on team comps then.


I just think triforce buff makes it alot more useful than gauntlet in any situation


new game mode looks quite fun




also some1 buy me championship riven pls its my bday


new game is fun as fuuuuuuck l0l


btw hecarim is the strongest champ of any in the new game mode, just build damage and infinite Q + regen from W means ur invincible

solo dragon level 3


Lies. October i'm pretty sure.


Its only £200 and thats if you don't get scammed lol.


Pretty easy way to make money really lol. Sell it cheaply and then just give a fake code/no code at all and delete your ebay account.

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