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Yeah when we people flame me in AI I find it ridiculous because first of all it's AI and second of all common sense tells you to offer advice to help your team win.

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sort of ppl i get on my team in ranked promos

he done good in most of his games why was it his fault
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I legit hope non of you are toxic retards in ranked, I've come back from games where been down all inhibs and both nexus turrets but it makes it 20x harder when your team flames each other. 

losing games to people not trying is the worst



How is Jinx? Role? She looks bad ass

I told you same shit happend to me renekton got mad we didn't group and wheat 1v5 when we said wait for g.a 20 seconds
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he done good in most of his games why was it his fault


He has positive K/d in his matches and respectable cs :s

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only flame at end if im sad enough, dont flame in game as we all know that just screws any chance of winning

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still no1 has donated 260 rp for my royal shaco you guys make me sick

Edited by k or as i
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sort of ppl i get on my team in ranked promos

wow sad im only level 28 neally getting to ranked but i can imagine how stressful that is. I hate playing with team mates who just play to annoy other players so annyoing

Edited by V i s t a
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I don't think he wanted to intentionally lose, he was trying but was just getting mad at every misplay someone on the team did and every death and then ended up tilting and giving up

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pretty sure my thresh is lcs level



na but legit I carried so hard, hook hit rate like 95% and 100% flay lol

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first promo match, I get lane swapped on so 2v1 top vs morg and lucian. I get chunked at 1;50ish at my tri by binding and lucian because I had no idea. Come back to lane zoned of xp and wukong comes top to 3 man dive me (bought a ward with 75g so saw it coming) and I have to back meanwhile jax is like level 4 to my lvl 2.


anyway they tried to dive me and I escaped with 10 hp and put my ignite down on lucian and got kill, meanwhile jax had like x3 my farm in bot lane because we had support gragas 


they take tower and I freeze on the jax and kill him then wukong tries to zone me off xp and I flash onto them put my combo down and kill jax, made a lot of picks onto lucian because he was playing like a retard



dunno how I won pretty frustrating to lane 2v1 as riven vs a morg lol



Edited by Farmoil
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Max shield and farm under tower?


And yeah he should do if he knows what hes doing. He shouldn't be letting you farm once he hits level 6 and uses his ulti passive correctly.

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i think enemy team outplayed themselves



doesn't jax shit on riven after a few levels?

as long as he dont waste stun, even then with ult i reckon hes tanky enough to beat her

Edited by Pay To Pk
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