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This Bloke ****ing Feeds


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what champ do you guys fear the most on the enemy team?

what champ do you feel is strongest atm?

whats the best riven skin? (not including cs riven)


Shaco, Malphite, Renekton, Leblanc.


Jax, Shaco and Gragas


The red one


Shaco, Malphite, Renekton, Leblanc.


Jax, Shaco and Gragas


The red one

I agree that lb and shaco are terrors


played with a gragas today after the patch update and I think he is garbage now


Ahh didnt realise the patch has hit already. Havent really read the notes, just looked at the major nerfs.


Shaco is only on the list due to vision and the speed he clears camps. Kha'zik looks like he is back in flavour which might also put him on the scary list.


Just seen Jax SKT T1 skin. Looks siiiiiiickkkkk


Yeah probably the best skin out of the bunch, vayne skin looks shit


confused as to why no zed skin, maybe cus faker doesn't use skins or what


what champ do you guys fear the most on the enemy team? lucian

what champ do you feel is strongest atm? shaco

whats the best riven skin? (not including cs riven) redeemed or new one cos of particles still prefer look of redeemed


Ahh didnt realise the patch has hit already. Havent really read the notes, just looked at the major nerfs.


Shaco is only on the list due to vision and the speed he clears camps. Kha'zik looks like he is back in flavour which might also put him on the scary list.


Just seen Jax SKT T1 skin. Looks siiiiiiickkkkk

shaco what?


promos games wouldn't be promo games without trolls 7UUTK.png


Word on the roof is that health yellows are back in town and armour ones are out? 


True? False?


Didnt some1 play Velkoz support in lcs?


Eitherway ur fucked :(


promos games wouldn't be promo games without trolls 7UUTK.png

bad shaco gg



bot and top got crushed and veiger got off a roam bot for double, velkoz was a toxic retard and poppy fed like fuck


we could've won still but velkoz gave up and afk


shaco afk, 20 min surr.. I give up


p.s I fuckin hate this random pick order bullshit



Posted (edited)

shacos on my team always feed LOL.


creep wave was just a tiny bit over mid way line on their side "no lanes to gank all idiots push I just afk farm"



Edited by Farmoil

Jax with TP and losing in cs/lane to a nasus.  Lol wut


I wish i could play malz well. Such an easy champ and monster if fed.


enemy double kill!


fuckin idiot you didnt gank my lane now nasus has too many stacks


feels like im playin on dripzs bronze acc

Posted (edited)

shacos on my team always feed LOL.


creep wave was just a tiny bit over mid way line on their side "no lanes to gank all idiots push I just afk farm"



curse of the joker rofl 


edit: i told you retarded teams

Edited by k or as i

shacos on my team always feed LOL.


creep wave was just a tiny bit over mid way line on their side "no lanes to gank all idiots push I just afk farm"



I didn't know you were in bronze too o_O



shacos on my team always feed LOL.


creep wave was just a tiny bit over mid way line on their side "no lanes to gank all idiots push I just afk farm"



I didn't know you were in bronze too o_O


the unseen bronze is the deadliest 


riven incredibly frustrating to play vs armour stacking champs if you don't get a early lead, probably why I prefer to play riven mid


find it amazing you can still farm okay.


I know you have your shield but surely they can use their spells to burst through that and damage you :/


find it amazing you can still farm okay.


I know you have your shield but surely they can use their spells to burst through that and damage you :/

riven late game flash e stun q q q ulti die worth

Posted (edited)


find it amazing you can still farm okay.


I know you have your shield but surely they can use their spells to burst through that and damage you :/

riven late game flash e stun q q q ulti die worth


thats probably why you die 1 for 1

Edited by Farmoil

Jax with TP and losing in cs/lane to a nasus.  Lol wut


I wish i could play malz well. Such an easy champ and monster if fed.

Qss counters malz instantly


yh but who even buys qss

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