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lol the people you are laning against delta holy fuk


rumble afk free win, thats the sorta ppl I get on my team rof

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In a dilemma


I love riven by far the funnest champ but I hate top lane, have been playing her mid but when they have champs that stack armour even if you are ahead it's still pretty hard to win when you have ad top/mid/jungler. 


played a game earlier where enemy have renekton top and shyv jungle, was like 5/0 mid but they stacked armour and my top/jungle lost hard so it's pretty hard


dunno wat to do 

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ask team to think about comp in champ select and pick someone like mundo top or elise jung so you dont double ad solo lane

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holy shit wtf


Why so much rofl?

Swear the only VU has been gragas and heimer

Edited by DeltaPapa
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uh I had 3 gragas skins and a rengar skin, didn't think they would refund the actual champ too. (not even sure if I paid for them with rp) 

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wth that is still loads lol. 975x4 isnt 6k something. Must be champ too.


I need at least 1 refund for stk t1 jax lol. I have rengar skin but it was gifted to me so dunno if il get refund or not.



Edit: what does it mean by 90 days? You brought the champ/skin and then 90 days it got VU?

Edited by DeltaPapa
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90 days from when it got the rework, and if it was gifted you wont get the RP.





Edited by Farmoil
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I bet once I get good at riven someone plays her then rioto nerfs

they already did that like 9000 times


rivens kit is too strong for her to be nerfed to useless shes the ad version of thresh 

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I bet once I get good at riven someone plays her then rioto nerfs

they already did that like 9000 times


rivens kit is too strong for her to be nerfed to useless shes the ad version of thresh 


time to break out the riven support.

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