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Posted (edited)

Awhile ago, Ocelote blammed froggen for DDoSing his stream/internet and really believed Froggen was doing it.


He believed this for some time, and kept on blaming froggen for the ddos.


He then realised it wasnt froggen, and since then everyone just blames froggen for ddosing a steam.


For example: 5:56 pm: While practicing his Lee Sin dance, Froggen performs a Dragon’s rage kick in a power outlet and shuts down the internet for the entire venue, as well as ocelote's computer, who happened to be streaming at that time.


Another 20:00 CLG.eu and CLG.na start their scrim together. CLG.na ban Anivia and Lee Sin. Froggen cries and proceeds to DDOS ocelote.





Edited by DeltaPapa

For example: 5:56 pm: While practicing his Lee Sin dance, Froggen performs a Dragon’s rage kick in a power outlet and shuts down the internet for the entire venue, as well as ocelote's computer, who happened to be streaming at that time.



This weeks champs r monsta.


been playing blitzcrank :D


and i bought shaco for some reason hes buns


been playing blitzcrank :D

and i bought shaco for some reason hes buns

Buy volibear if you want to jungle

They nerfed his Q but hes still really strong and low skill cap


Josh you know I'm the best top lamer haha inb4 I always get reported


brought quinn yday.


had 1 game with her


her skill set is weird



^look at our teemo. lol






all these are months old besides the kha'zix one, i'm way better now + i have more pics on my desktop


brought quinn yday.

had 1 game with her

her skill set is weird

I heard she isnt nothing special, only thing she is good at is split pushing

brought quinn yday.

had 1 game with her

her skill set is weird

I heard she isnt nothing special, only thing she is good at is split pushing
she's really strong in a 1v1 situation

Just started playing, really need to work on my patience.


I think I like katilyn the best so far, and I found ryze hard to use, master yi was ok. I am noob.


u mean caitlyn?


look up the builds from lolpro.com so u donit build random shit to ur champs, later ull know what to build to each one pretty much by your own


and try not to hit the minions all the time  randomly, focus to deal the ''killing hi''t because then you get the gold

Posted (edited)

just tryna master 3 champions that i can rely on in ranked that one of their roles will always be needed.


chosen kayle, thinking then blitzcrank(already mastered) + riven?


need a multiple role champ which can carry quite hard and steamroll... riven seemed a good choice.



my current "Mains" are quite weak imho, especially Olaf who i played for levels 15-30 +100 wins straight...

Edited by My Gwas

depends wat u mean with mastered ^.^


olaf got nerfed to hard

riven can only be good top

kayle can play everything.

Diana can play 3 roles

Kha'zik 3 rles


There is loads of champs atm which can be 3-4 roles


She. and yh but is still strong.


Every time i play a game on league my internet goes. Dunno if its a coincidence but its fkin annoyin


yh khazix really strong choice


people underestimate voli top, obviously he is  much better pick for jungle tho


Master Yi is my new favorite. Sucks that he has no cc though..




You playing him AP or AD?


Master Yi is my new favorite. Sucks that he has no cc though..

play him mid ap

his heal is op


As in only raise his attack power skills and not his attack damage?




As in buy attack damage items or ability power items.

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