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So I laned against Vayne in this and he started the game off by saying "I'm Rekless <3"

He got a kill on me because of an early gank and then proceeded to spam how good he was.

After I got shroud and beat him 1on1 he shut the fuck up.


Really dislike fanboys like that.

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In a dilemma


I love riven by far the funnest champ but I hate top lane, have been playing her mid but when they have champs that stack armour even if you are ahead it's still pretty hard to win when you have ad top/mid/jungler. 


played a game earlier where enemy have renekton top and shyv jungle, was like 5/0 mid but they stacked armour and my top/jungle lost hard so it's pretty hard


dunno wat to do 

Rivens really fun but the shield nerfs were too strong, late shes a one bang and these games last 35+ mins usually now unlike s3 where u could get fed on riven and win under 20




also why i stopped playing lee, used to snowball early and GG but now it goes to late and you're just a peel bot... 

Edited by Pay To Pk
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It's ridiculous how bad teamfighting in bronze is.

Enemy team had a Vi and Voli. They dived Vayne every time, I did my best to protect her successfully as Soraka top. It wasn't that hard since I just spammed my heals onto Vayne every time they dived BUT.

We had a Zed who would ult the enemy Caitlyn everytime he saw her. Even if she was in the middle of her other teammates. Zed would then get blown up and die, then say "gg team no focus adc they focus tank." 

I tried my best to explain to him that i had to peel for Vayne so she wouldn't get killed by Vi and Voli. He told me to stfu and splitpush all game which eventually led us to lose because he wasn't there to protect the base.

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anyone got any tips for playing Xin? Gonna learn another jungler



all there is to him

Edited by I Pk Virginz
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I camped botlane all day to try and help these braindead spastics but it's so hard to get ganks off when we had absolutely no cc before 6. Was 5/0 at one point.

Back to 0lp.

Edited by Insecurities
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Grats man. Looks like it was a nice easy last game too ;)






First game of my smurfs rank placements.


I wonder what champ ill supp with. I have a good selection of champs!

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Grats man. Looks like it was a nice easy last game too ;)






First game of my smurfs rank placements.


I wonder what champ ill supp with. I have a good selection of champs!

Thanks pal and yep! yo i heard supp sion is godlike

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That feel of playing ranked and one person is using 27/30 mastery points, and someone else is only using 23 rofl


edit: guy with 23 hasnt even got a single rune page lols

Edited by DeltaPapa
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if anyone wants a smurf to play on and i trust you, just PM me.


Feel bad for winning lol. This one MF made me feel like a bully.

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yeah thats how I felt when I played on dripzs acc, koray felt so bad that he added enemy guy and helped him win his promos lol

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