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Anyone else follow the pro scene?

I love watching EG and GG [clg eu and m5] defiantly my favorite teams.

Favorite player would defiantly be Alex_ich or Voyboy, just the way they carry their teams. Ocelote is up there too.

Personalyl i think EG will win the LCS for EU and Crs will win for NA

i was watching some shit with eg and moscow 5 yesterday :o

froggen with anivia won it for them ez


Yh Moscow 5, gambit gaming, picks and bans lost it for them

A udyr in jungle? rly rfof.

Ad they let froggen take anivia some reason


Nothing wrong with Udyr jungle, just not as good as it used to be


I don't really know any of these pro players except ocelote.. just a bunch of chinese cunts or some shit


btw can you switch from eu to na? and how much does it cost if you can


Nothing wrong with Udyr jungle, just not as good as it used to be

Hes the most kiteable jungler going

and the EG team was made for kiting lol


btw can you switch from eu to na? and how much does it cost if you can

No however there are multiple threads each day about it, so i would think they would implement it soon


Anyone else follow the pro scene?

I love watching EG and GG [clg eu and m5] defiantly my favorite teams.

Favorite player would defiantly be Alex_ich or Voyboy, just the way they carry their teams. Ocelote is up there too.

Personalyl i think EG will win the LCS for EU and Crs will win for NA

yea ive followed it for a while now

supporting fnatic coz of their jungler which is finnish, they got pretty good team but communicating problems have destroyed their matches a couple times

EG also coz of froggen, best mid there is

love to watch xPekes performance aswell, those javs with Nid vs SK lol


Sk beat EG

didnt think that would happy

SK are looking quite strng now, not so much relying on Oce


I watched GGU vs CRS the other day lol that game was intense, also watched vulcan or w/e vs dig


Is it just me or is darius fucking easy to play. My school friend thinks hes good because he plays him, gets fed because of my support and is unstoppable because hes just really op


Is it just me or is darius fucking easy to play. My school friend thinks hes good because he plays him, gets fed because of my support and is unstoppable because hes just really op

so many people play him at my level (22) he just seems like he requires no skill, never see him in competitive so I guess hes dog shite vs experienced people lol


Hes like Yi. Stomps retards as people don't now how to counter him and all his abilities require next to no skill


i fking hate yi

hes goin on my ban list every ranked game


i fking hate yi

hes goin on my ban list every ranked game

Lmao yi's fun to use at low levels but if you get a smurf that knows what to do it's pretty hard

is it me or am i doin something wrong......... i play lee sin early game ganking i got 7 kills, later in game every single kill was pretty much ks'ed

I've found myself just tanking and kicking people into us, kinda boring



'Am i doing something wrong?'

yh, you're building fucking GA and a Mercurial Scimitar on a jungler. Regardless of if you get fed or not, if you build a dumb item, you're just gonna transition poorly. If i play Lee i'll rush aegis every single game, if i get fed, it's just a quicker Aegis.

No need to build dumb items if you get fed on a jungle


will try tommorow cheers


You're not meant to carry late game as lee moiate, have to protect your ad/ap carry in team fights.


lee is supposed to tank late game act as more of a support/chaser imo


so I go into a game to practice lee sin jungle.. some guy asks to jungle so I let him, I go support janna, next thing I know hes gone support thresh leaving me 7 seconds to switch back to lee sin and smite. Felt pretty good knowing that I managed to switch back in time.. until loading screen came and I saw I was bout to jungle with Janna




Lee falls off late so you need to make the transition between AD to Armour and just become a off tank and build for utility

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