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going to need to buy a new mouse then finally i will be able to league again :/


i aint played league in ages.


Really wanna but scared of dcin mid game ffs


why do you keep dcing? is it a league problem or just with you 0.0


i saw dyrus streaming and after champion select his client just kept crashing lol


Josh you quit rs for league didn't you, don't blame me haha


Josh you quit rs for league didn't you, don't blame me haha

All your fault! Hope you feel bad


why do you keep dcing? is it a league problem or just with you 0.0


i saw dyrus streaming and after champion select his client just kept crashing lol


My internet is just piss poor atm. Anything triggers it to go. Mum thinks its the bad weather, but pretty sure its because the router is about a million years old


Do a speedtest and show us what you get lol



My speed isnt that bad. Its always been around that, but i just randomly dc. And i will have to go turn on off the router which sometimes works, sometimes doesnt. Usually doesnt.


You can get a free router if you call up your isp and tell them your old one broke


You can get a free router if you call up your isp and tell them your old one broke

no your thinking of a modem


lcs week ten woohoo





Zed is my new fav. Who is the best person for me to watch to master him?


Zed is my new fav. Who is the best person for me to watch to master him?


Depends on what role you gonna play him. Play him top watch a top lane streamer. Play him mid, watch a mid lane stream.


Zed is pretty OP atm, so he usually gets banned out, thus meaning people cant play him. And when there is 120 other champions, the odds that they will play Zed while watching is quite slim.

Posted (edited)

LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dig got fucked by complexity.. prolly so good


scarras champ pool is so small

Edited by Farmoil

scarra champ pool is insane lol. Its like 6-8 champs he has MASTERED, not just confident with. Pr0lly has played like 6 different champs in 6 matches rofl.


Dig done well to be fair, just team fights failed. After bot got 2 kills, and they were only 500gp behind, it was pretty much level just due to cs.


It was the fight bot where it was 4v4 and dig lost

Posted (edited)

scarra champ pool is insane lol. Its like 6-8 champs he has MASTERED, not just confident with. Pr0lly has played like 6 different champs in 6 matches rofl.


Dig done well to be fair, just team fights failed. After bot got 2 kills, and they were only 500gp behind, it was pretty much level just due to cs.


It was the fight bot where it was 4v4 and dig lost


did you just watch the dig vs complexity?


if scarra has MASTERED 6-8 champs why the fuck did he play tsm that bad

Edited by Farmoil
Posted (edited)

Yes. Did you?


Why does he have 50% votes in NA allstarts then rofl. Reginal whose second got 20%.


He has so many champs. And just becasue you've mastered a champ, doesnt mean you win 100% lol. There is a reason they are 2nd and TSM are 3rd.

Edited by DeltaPapa

Yes. Did you?


Why does he have 50% votes in NA allstarts then rofl. Reginal whose second got 20%.


He has so many champs. And just becasue you've mastered a champ, doesnt mean you win 100% lol. There is a reason they are 2nd and TSM are 3rd.


ban out scarras mains for GG


you heard it here first


ban out scarras mains for GG


you heard it here first


Pretty much lol. He carries Dig.


MRNs team fight is so good.


Malphite knock up

Jarvan Ulti

Lulu Knockup

MF ulti

and then Kat ulti to finish ppl off




games still going on but mrn team comp.. that lockdown on wild so fuckin op


What a match.


TSMs knowledge and experiance won it for them. Waiting for the fight so minions destory their base. LoL has so much more mind games then you think.


Col vs GGU. cba watchin them. Gonna go bed and miss so many good games. clg tsm, clg dig =[ fuck NA


fucking school tommoro at 8:45 and rly wanna watch clg vs tsm =[=[


Me and Sopuli dominating ranked bot lanes.


MF Sona combo op




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