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The only thing which needs nerfing about jax is his ulti passive.

or the attack speed passive to he wont get as many ult passives off

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The only thing which needs nerfing about jax is his ulti passive.

or the attack speed passive to he wont get as many ult passives off



Nah. The only time the AS passive is usefull is pushing towers. The main damage (in lane comes from Q > AA+W(with passive)), and they either back off, or 3/5 health and you can kill.


In a team fight, you are usually jumping to the adc , trying to block hits, using w or getting stun locked.  Genuinly don't AA as much as people think with Jax.


Infact his tanky-ness could do with nerfing as well. His ulti pretty much gives him like 3k gold in stats (always forget about using it myself as it doesnt do dmg)




If Jax does get heavily nerfed, I'll probably pick up Irelia.

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The only thing which needs nerfing about jax is his ulti passive.

or the attack speed passive to he wont get as many ult passives off



Nah. The only time the AS passive is usefull is pushing towers. The main damage (in lane comes from Q > AA+W(with passive)), and they either back off, or 3/5 health and you can kill.


In a team fight, you are usually jumping to the adc , trying to block hits, using w or getting stun locked.  Genuinly don't AA as much as people think with Jax.


Infact his tanky-ness could do with nerfing as well. His ulti pretty much gives him like 3k gold in stats (always forget about using it myself as it doesnt do dmg)




If Jax does get heavily nerfed, I'll probably pick up Irelia.


Yeah but the Jax splitpush, youll need 5 seconds and the tower is done, even early game you rape towers cuz of that passive

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Man I love riven and ori.

Riven because she's so mobile and so much outplay potential and ori because her ulti changes games

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Agreed. I love the character design and all that. But she is too hard to play so everyone plays her shitly.


Once she gets 1.5 items and farm with a few spells she is strong, but meh, if you miss your ulti you are useless.

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Ori just afk farms and provides incredible utility and late game dmg

Dizzy I sell riven tips for $$

Wanna play league bad but gotta revise rip cya idiots ffs

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support midlane ahri lel



got camped hard by teh plat lee went 0/3/2 in lane so decided to try not take any kills to be worth 0 gold with good dmg still. OP

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nice you got carried noob


also gold bounties dont work like they used to, when you get a certain amount of gold bounties reset to just a bit lower than avg

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Fuck. Coulda carried as shyv jungle but cait was way too strong. Should focused more on ganking botlane instead of mid. Bronze 3 inc.

Edited by Insecurities
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in bronze just carry from a solo lane its alot easier than jungle, and you dont have to rely on anyone else (who will most likely let you down)

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