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This Bloke ****ing Feeds


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Wat the fuck, LoL.

Do you ever post anything other than +1s? Jesus christ



Wat the fuck, LoL.

Do you ever post anything other than +1s? Jesus christ


na he dont, at least he added 'wat the fuck' this time, before it was just 'LoL'




Wat the fuck, LoL.

Do you ever post anything other than +1s? Jesus christ


na he dont, at least he added 'wat the fuck' this time, before it was just 'LoL'


Hes a fuckin retard I swear





Wat the fuck, LoL.

Do you ever post anything other than +1s? Jesus christ


na he dont, at least he added 'wat the fuck' this time, before it was just 'LoL'


Hes a fuckin retard I swear


He was just getting a free +1 in when not playing LoL..


On: Goodluck Lennu..



Quitting league to go find my one true love emilia clarke

shes around mine mate, soz



started playing orianna today



Sick man 5-0 100%


gold inc lennu

Posted (edited)

that guy defo getting boosted lol


played a ranked game today with some guy who mained lulu adc look at his lolking wtf : http://www.lolking.net/summoner/euw/28845228#matches



edit: lol just looked at his builds, not so sure anymore

Edited by Skidddz

that guy defo getting boosted lol


played a ranked game today with some guy who mained lulu adc look at his lolking wtf : http://www.lolking.net/summoner/euw/28845228#matches



edit: lol just looked at his builds, not so sure anymore

i think he is lol scrool down on his matches just seen he lost 30 games in a row lol


idk I think he was feeding to lose on purpose for some reason, look at his items, teleport and mobi boots homeguard rush every game. 

I swear that is so fuckin harsh lol


Team bloodshed played any matches btw?


(get back tomorrow, so will be on Sunday to play)





Race me


Insec, that says silver 4 not bronze 4


Team bloodshed played any matches btw?


(get back tomorrow, so will be on Sunday to play)

I kicked light mayhem from the team then left it, doubt it lol


Insec, that says silver 4 not bronze 4







2ez and look at that beautiful 28lp


Guess people dont know how to play vs irelia in that elo lol

And wow delta with the burn


Guess people dont know how to play vs irelia in that elo lol

And wow delta with the burn


im just 2good


Insec, that says silver 4 not bronze 4


Why don't you like tp on toplaners Deltz?


kill potential for the lane goes down so much I imagine


kill potential for the lane goes down so much I imagine

but gives ur team added global pressure.


Then why not play Shen?


Because in bronze you tp and get 0 reaction. People see the animation and think, shit, the enemy is tping/ulting. They don't react.


Kill pressure in lane is huge, especially on carry champions such as Irelia. If you can get yourself fed, you can put pressure on map by pushing the tower and bringing jungler top. 

Ignite > TP (in soloq, team probably go for TP)




irelia stats so far this season


Its funny cos I bought Irelia last week and am already dominating most games with her. Idk if its that im good or ppl just don't know how to play vs irelia in silver


Then why not play Shen?


Because in bronze you tp and get 0 reaction. People see the animation and think, shit, the enemy is tping/ulting. They don't react.


Kill pressure in lane is huge, especially on carry champions such as Irelia. If you can get yourself fed, you can put pressure on map by pushing the tower and bringing jungler top. 

Ignite > TP (in soloq, team probably go for TP)

Surely in Plat tho you'd get some sort of reaction out of tp.


Nice man, we shall have to do a top lane 1v1 soon :p



Then why not play Shen?


Because in bronze you tp and get 0 reaction. People see the animation and think, shit, the enemy is tping/ulting. They don't react.


Kill pressure in lane is huge, especially on carry champions such as Irelia. If you can get yourself fed, you can put pressure on map by pushing the tower and bringing jungler top. 

Ignite > TP (in soloq, team probably go for TP)

Surely in Plat tho you'd get some sort of reaction out of tp.



True, but then what if i don't? What if the gank fails, what if i die? The enemy laner gets ahead etc. If i was playing Mundo, Renekton, Shyv, boring tanky champs I probably would take tp.


But due to playing a carry champ, I would never.

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