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dced so didnt get proper pic right at end


played nidalee top. 


went 18/4.





that fucking leblanc and caitlyn



7/32 between 2 of them. lmfao.

Edited by My Gwas
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gl scarra

forced to go to the gym LOL


was hilarious when the na manager said he was going to force them to go gym, minimize video look @ chat 



everyone spamming, "gym scarra?" was cracking up lol

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any1 watch vulcan vs crs?


i swear they switched their whole team positions lol, zuna top mancloud adc?


yh lol it was funny.


Neither of them wanted to win so they both doing their best to throw the game without making it look to obvious. They both didnt want to face CLG in the playoffs.

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hahah played nidalee and i 1 hit teemo and mf 1 spear after another, was insane LOL


hehe ive done this before too

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At the blitzcrank game i was in my promo series to gold IV but after our invade (we got first blood) our mid left to let me and nasus do their blue, their support wards blue we both die and we nasus and me both pretty much trolled (Nasus was first time nasus and mained lee sin jungle but our first pick went top lee, so it already was a messy game)


And the games after that were so fucking bad..shuda won the last 3 with ease but just really really bad people.. as example:

30min in @ the xin zhao game our corki goes for first turret but enemy team sees this they go baron (They were stronger all game) and after  corki gets bot turret and they get baron 3 people of my team say 'gj corki'  :blink:  :blink:  :mellow2:

Suppose the games after the blitz game was karma  :laugh:


Thinking about moving my na acc to euw as my euw acc probs gna stay perm banned and its at silver 3 and losing 7 elo a week  :sad:

And because the ping goes from 180 to 20 or less  :tongue:

Edited by X0
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Elementz got replaced by rhux, now they just need a better adc


So weird.. rhux plays top for curse academy and only plays top in solo q and suddely he can support in lcs playoffs  :laugh:

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Elementz got replaced by rhux, now they just need a better adc


Cop has the highest k/d ratio for NA. Hes +1 compared to second place


Elementz got replaced by rhux, now they just need a better adc


So weird.. rhux plays top for curse academy and only plays top in solo q and suddely he can support in lcs playoffs  :laugh:


Rhux was underage when lcs spring kicked off meaning he couldnt play in the LCS. Hes now 17 and allowed to play

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