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so many retards in twitch chat during lcs....


IRL orianna




ranked is fun

carried u :D


fucking retards these days



took first blood and went 4/0 with +40 cs on rumble in lane.


Katarina was 1/0 ended up 1/7 feeding diana.


Singed was a fucking moron kept taking dravens kills, meant to be support and was generally shit.


Jungler didn't gank any of the lanes and yet still managed to fall behind hecarim.




Worst of all, lost 18 points for losing. i only gain 4 for a win. cunting game.




next game ranked had a team of trolls, i went Olaf adc bot lane with ap carry morgana and we went 6/1/10 (me) 4/1/10 morgana LOL 2k13


3rd time adc 



didnt get many kills after 45 mins or so


3rd time? doubt that seeing as ur lvl 30


nice though





3rd time? doubt that seeing as ur lvl 30


nice though

meant to say 3rd time cait


but yh i havent played adc since like lvl 20- ezreal 


Just lost an 85 minute game which we shud of won at 20 mins.


I was fizz which ive hardly ever played. And we had a fed twitch whose a late game carry.


At the point where i was on 800ap and could 5~ hit a tower and he could probably 2 second a tower, we still lost.


ALL four of my team mates would rather farm our jungle and push lanes at 85 mins in rather then do a simple back door.


What a waste of time..


Why u still playing normals?


I always play normals. Only have like 50 ranked games played. Just prefer them. Doesnt matter what champ you play or the result.


85 mins gf life


rather play normals and learn the champs so you can carry yourself at rankeds


the amount of autistics in bronze is just unbelievable


just won a 3v5 rofl


rather play normals and learn the champs so you can carry yourself at rankeds


the amount of autistics in bronze is just unbelievable

i thought fred was silver


rather play normals and learn the champs so you can carry yourself at rankeds


the amount of autistics in bronze is just unbelievable

i thought fred was silver


roflcopter autistic faggot


lmfao instalock froggen 


Lissandra is going to be another perm ban

Posted (edited)


With a 95% movement speed and attack speed reduction at max levels, Wither was completely shutting down champions reliant on auto-attacks with no opportunity for counterplay. By reducing the attack speed slow, Nasus is still effective at suppressing champions, but his victims will now have the option to turn and fight.

  • Wither
    • Attack speed slow amount has been halved

Finally a nerf. Supprised the movement speed wasn't nerfed though

Edited by DeltaPapa

lissandra seems so fucking op lol, so much cc and her kit looks solid


Someone gift me vayne tyyyy





trundle buff op

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