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btw i built properly and had enough gold to sell it all and buy 4 new rabadons lol............ it was a troll game and we won 4v5 (nid went afk at lvl 13 in what turned into a 82 min game)


buy riven skin or buy khazix 


so confused 


i got a riven skin


dat battle bunny


i would buy the the redeemed riven skin rather then bunny one


1 hr 8 min game


4 assists rofl




Bought khazix last night, won all my games since lol

So easy to carry, roam get kills top/bot, get to late game jump around getting resets badaaboom

Posted (edited)


Ganked top lvl 3, vayne with ghost/ignite, renekton fails to use his red pot gives fb to vayne i get the other kill and the next like 8 on our team and everyone else just kept dyng.. this game was so fucking awfull rofl

Twitch never autoattacked because he feared his life for zed/fizz and that vayne roflstomped renekton..siggggggggggggh


Part of 19 of our 22 kills, Notice the farm/level difference aswell  :angry2:

Edited by X0

life steal runes with 19/0/11 masteries on vayne is op m8s


fred ruined my winning streak, never playing with him again

  • 3 weeks later...

got my first penta on vayne :3


sick, lolreplay???


sick, lolreplay???

never understood it, do i have to download it or something? would be cool to see it again :D


obviously have to download it lol.


just got prmoted to bronze 2


diamond next week then


Free Zilean week means Jon gets to support as zilean. Love the ult and his poke is pretty ridiculous.


Free Zilean week means Jon gets to support as zilean. Love the ult and his poke is pretty ridiculous.

no1 plays him tbh


try lulu or sona


blitzcrank/thresh most fun supports


Zilean is useful in team fights, however as a support he pushes the lane easy. Anyone with a brain will stand next to their minions when a bomb is placed.


Good vs noobs/if you go full ap though.


And lol at the spannish TSM team


bought draven, never playin him again


went 4/0 in lane 4/8 by the time game ended, not sure if it was cus kata was fed as fuck or that hes so ridiculously hard to use in teamfights


he is hard to use in team fights. dont bother catchin axes. just land AA and use ur steroid ability lol


and had a well good ranked match


Both of us were on nexus so any team fight was so nervous.



gimme plat riot pls

FearMy Def

he is hard to use in team fights. dont bother catchin axes. just land AA and use ur steroid ability lol


and had a well good ranked match


Both of us were on nexus so any team fight was so nervous.


+31 wtf? omg give me riot pls i only get +1 


Lol yeah i noticed that.


I was duoQing with a guy in silver so might be why


nvm i lied draven is god


i carried u pussy

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