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gold treeessss


What websites do you guys use to look up builds and such. I've been using lolpro and mobafire but I heard there is some better ones?



come at my nidalee


last 4 ranked games with nid 



30/6/30 563 cs in 4 games nb nb


also 6 double kills lol


What websites do you guys use to look up builds and such. I've been using lolpro and mobafire but I heard there is some better ones?


lolpro and solomid will pretty much cover you. compare the diff guides for diff champs and combine the bits which work effectively... for example you will see overlap of items on diff builds and then the odd random item which you dont enjoy, so combine the best builds for w/e champ


What websites do you guys use to look up builds and such. I've been using lolpro and mobafire but I heard there is some better ones?

dont use mobafire 


What websites do you guys use to look up builds and such. I've been using lolpro and mobafire but I heard there is some better ones?


definitely use lolking.net for guides and/or builds


also useful for looking up top 10 win rate champs/ top 10 champ bans in ranked


if you wann know what pros are building probuilds.net is good aswell






im the best ez in the world 


Bought shaco in an attempt to master him. I've never been more mad in my life. Refunded within 5 games with him.


you only get 3 refunds. Use them wisely.


lol delta dem ryze sounds


lol shaco is actually really hard imo and the rewards arent even as good as other champs, if i were you i would spend the time elsewhere trying to pick up someone else


what level are you now jon?


also debating buying pulsefire ez.. anyone else got? 


ez is like the perfect adc i feel especially when you are matched with retards who dont peel for you its just a lot easier because of his mobility.. i hope dey dont nerf blue build..riot pls


EDward left gambit :O


First time GG has ever had a roster change


feel like cryin


blue ez is cancer


I'm level 21 now. Used up all 3 of my refunds though :( I decided to stop playing like 20 characters and just focus on a couple. So I'm attempting to master ezrael adc, nocturne jungle, and zed top. I'd like to think im ok now but nothing special.


zed mid op ad spell caster but as soon as you hit silver III+ elo its one of the regular bans


gambit has had a roster change before btw


gambit has had a roster change before btw


First roster change in over a year and a half* happy


On like a 10 win streak in ranked lol.


Got from 0-100 points in 3 games iirc.


Bet il lose my promotion games tho lol


And that feel of when the enemy team surrenders and they say "gg 'the champ your playin'"


i keep getting "friendly" honours for playing a sick nidalee support


just cos im a support doesnt mean im ur fuckin friend

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