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(ban lee sin plz)


I'm not even going to play placement games until ive done 20 games in a row in normal matchmaking. That way I go straight to diamond.


I'm not even going to play placement games until ive done 20 games in a row in normal matchmaking. That way I go straight to diamond.

challenger, at least


I'm not even going to play placement games until ive done 20 games in a row in normal matchmaking. That way I go straight to diamond.


waddaya mean?


i didnt start ranked till 350 normal wins ?!


About 550 normals before i played ranked. And im on 650 now and only played like 60 ranked games


DouQing with a friend down bot


Me on annie and him on draven.


First game score was like 26/28 and all the other lanes had 0 kills rofl.


Second game was pretty similiar however we carried hard.


Annie aint bad as a support. You go full ap and you do quite a bit of damage, and its stuns galore


annie support next level strats


If anyone is NA and wants to teach me stuff add me. Joughn


How does zed get played so well mid? Is he sitll built ad? I get the whole you can living shadow then poke with razors, but any assasin mid can rape you.


How does zed get played so well mid? Is he sitll built ad? I get the whole you can living shadow then poke with razors, but any assasin mid can rape you.


In blind pick most mids will take no armour and just magic resist in terms of runes/masteries. Zed has one the best bursts in the game meaning he can kill them in an instant due to how little protection they have.


He also snowballs which means once he is ahead he can push that advantage really easily. Same with Kha'Zik mid and other ad mids


prefer khazix mid over zed but still both good, sad to hear about the upcoming khazix nerfs 


hecarim or naut who better doe

Posted (edited)

big drama surrounding crs atm :o


Edward might be joining crs :o

Aphrmoo might be joining crs :o





Fabbbby might join crs ;O!!!!!

Edited by DeltaPapa

Best lee sin Q ever



crs na? fabby is a god


wow curse edward is apparently legit... going to be so good to see; ashame cop sucks!!!!!!!1 in my opinion




and that lee sin q i think was in a top fails by jumpinthepack lol


really looking forward to seeing how cop and edward do lol, i rly dislike cop and his playstyle tho 


yh every1 sayin cop will do shit coz of how passive he is


Voyboy, stviscious and edward on same team tho. Such an aggressive team


yaay finished my placement in silver division now :D lost a few in a row tho im now like 2nd or 3rd pick when i was always first :/ fuck mmr


nice :p


will be in silver IV by end of today. 


then my duo queue partner goes bck to college so can only play 2/3 games a day in evening :( silver I by end of next week tho!


as long as i dont get fucked in a new league and lose 3/4 in a row and not be able to progress

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