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Everday half of my class plays league in english class l0l


Funny game.. they late invaded my red and their darius fucking stands right on my boxes an gives me fb LOL.. on the downside they did get 2 kills and red for cait out of that, but after me and tf/ganked bot 2 times we were able to pull out a fast win.

silver 2 btw


Funny game.. they late invaded my red and their darius fucking stands right on my boxes an gives me fb LOL.. on the downside they did get 2 kills and red for cait out of that, but after me and tf/ganked bot 2 times we were able to pull out a fast win.

silver 2 btw

whoever was their mid did complete shite l0l

wut elo is this btw


Everday half of my class plays league in english class l0l

bunch of 13 year olds playing ranked at around 4-7 gmt?? time to go ranked na and get 2k elo LOL!


Just had the shittest game ever lol

Was with farmoil and sopuli [both were shit 0/7 blah blah] with the team score about 14/36

I blind Q with diana and steal baron.


we came back and win 66/65 in a 55 min game


fak u i was 7/13

i blame JOSH


Everday half of my class plays league in english class l0l

bunch of 13 year olds playing ranked at around 4-7 gmt?? time to go ranked na and get 2k elo LOL!

not ranked, were not all level thirty. And I'm the best out of my school


Everday half of my class plays league in english class l0l

bunch of 13 year olds playing ranked at around 4-7 gmt?? time to go ranked na and get 2k elo LOL!

not ranked, were not all level thirty. And I'm the best out of my school

Anyone who plays LoL knows NA is the easiest out the regions


um I was decking cunts with TF delta dont lie


Everday half of my class plays league in english class l0l

bunch of 13 year olds playing ranked at around 4-7 gmt?? time to go ranked na and get 2k elo LOL!

not ranked, were not all level thirty. And I'm the best out of my school

Anyone who plays LoL knows NA is the easiest out the regions

obviously americans have the lowest iq? im half german


um I was decking cunts with TF delta dont lie i dced




i love this board lol


Everday half of my class plays league in english class l0l

bunch of 13 year olds playing ranked at around 4-7 gmt?? time to go ranked na and get 2k elo LOL!

not ranked, were not all level thirty. And I'm the best out of my school

Anyone who plays LoL knows NA is the easiest out the regions

Nah m8, Brazil is, you could have brain damage and be Challenger Tier on Brazil servers.

NA is 2nd easiest. Had a friend who was 950 elo(when it was elo) on EUW, 1600 on NA




Everday half of my class plays league in english class l0l

bunch of 13 year olds playing ranked at around 4-7 gmt?? time to go ranked na and get 2k elo LOL!

not ranked, were not all level thirty. And I'm the best out of my school

Anyone who plays LoL knows NA is the easiest out the regions

Nah m8, Brazil is, you could have brain damage and be Challenger Tier on Brazil servers.

NA is 2nd easiest. Had a friend who was 950 elo(when it was elo) on EUW, 1600 on NA

Who cares about Brazilian servers lol.

Anyone reached challenger Tier out of your guys' ranked teams yet?


god damn it

went 7/0 with sivir early game, had retarded Nocturne in our team who ulti'd all the time in 1v5 situations and ended up getting 1 kill b4 getting slayed

ended up with one of their nexus turrets down, me 9/10 after that 7/0 and our nexus going like b000m

i h8 this game m8


god damn it

went 7/0 with sivir early game, had retarded Nocturne in our team who ulti'd all the time in 1v5 situations and ended up getting 1 kill b4 getting slayed

ended up with one of their nexus turrets down, me 9/10 after that 7/0 and our nexus going like b000m

i h8 this game m8

Youll enjoy it more when u find yourself going into 5v5 with a comfortable team on teamspeak or skype. Way more fun that way


Just won an insane game..

his all happend 45-55minute ingame

We get their nexus 50% hp with only one inhib down, we fail to finish 2x in a row and third time the kill 4 of us except me.

The all rush our base and i kill vayne (I was akali) i die after 10secs (i had warmogs)/shroud they got our nexus 50%hp with no adc to burst it fast. 4 secs on our fed draven respawn im lik well fuck gg -20LP but they fail to end and our draven quadrakills them.

We all respawn and fight them mid our teemo/skarner battle their vi for like 20secs (teemo 100hp, vi tryin to kill him wihle skarner slowing him) they finaly manage to kill their VI and a 200hp skarner and 100hp teemo go for their inhib and nexus they go it 1/10 and their singed spawns and teemo gets his last shot in as he died and win us the game..

It doesn't read as awesome it was.

Also akali vs singed mid is cancer.


mid janna ranked op


mid janna ranked op

Against who

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