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This Bloke ****ing Feeds


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join a ranked q i pick shaco and this guy picks singed


i think 'o great ill gank his lane and he'll get insanely fed'


he goes proxy singed


i have nobody to gank


get behind


lose game


such bull shit


2 ez..


Average of 9 kills a game? seems REALLY low for an adc




Average of 7 a game with a bruiser


Your Win/Loss is good tho


yaay finished my placement in silver division now :D lost a few in a row tho im now like 2nd or 3rd pick when i was always first :/ fuck mmr

Nice. Wish i had won my placements lol. And having a low mmr is good i thought? against retards which are easy to beat?


will be in silver IV by end of today. 


then my duo queue partner goes bck to college so can only play 2/3 games a day in evening :( silver I by end of next week tho!

Not sure if serious


i downloaded this havent tried it out yet, gonna play while i bawttt :d looks alright whole time i thought it was gonna be like wow till i actualy watched a vid seems kinda cool anyonewanna play me for the 1st time newbs only


not really good having low mmr because you dont really get lane and you are matched with fucking retards who ping for drag after you ace the team at 40 mins


so fucking annoying in ranked lol


5 out of 11 games ive had someone dc and im yet to see a good jungler


pretty annoying when u lose not because u get outplayed but because someone is fucking clueless on ur team lol


Any HON players?


Thoughts on malphite top?


Thoughts on malphite top?

stack armor on him


works well with his passive


i'd start with a flask

you cant really play agressive with him, like at all


you're only usefull in team fights with people with alot of burst damage


Thoughts on malphite top?


One of the best, maybe the best top lane.


In ranked tho its a constant ban no matter what elo, so tbh, i wudnt worth practicing. Have fun winning normals with him though


malphite is WAY too overrated.


dunno why y'all think hes autobanned he rly isnt at higher elo


may the gods of the field of justice be with me




malph good at low elo but banned like every game, would probably still pick him up tho


on the other hand i got a penta on eve on my 1st game with her lol.. she is ridiculously easy to play and constantly so much pressure on the map with her lol


after havng 2 of the most easiest victories i then get 2 shittest teams ever




gonna wait for my duoQ partner lol


bad luck delta gl on last


gl on silver ;p


fiora is so hated because of lack of cc and being nuked so easily late game but i really like her lol


played 11 games with her since free, 8 wins 3 losses an got 24 kills twice, if you outplay your lane early game you snowball so hard.


doesnt work vs ppl like yorick though


She owns the lane everyone knows that. she has high AD and a good kit just offers nothing.



18 minute nexus


killed singed 2 times top for first blood and free gp in 5 minutes, he then went afk and we just pushed turrets and won lol.


Holy shit 18 minute nexus is the best I've seen. I played against a 'proxy singed' and got absolutely raped. Still don't understand what he was doing.


Basically he sits behind enemy towers farming, he dies over and over but has teleport/ghost to get back quickly.


He farms the minions and takes the ones as they spawn that would go to top lane, with no minions going top lane the turret is easily pushed as 1 team has minions coming in 1 team doesnt.


Jungler could kill him, but he goes tanky and becomes worth no gold with more deaths, so is a waste of precious time for the jungler.


He repeats for each lane and eventually the singeds team has complete map control.


Its bad use of the word proxy....


yeah how did the term 'proxy' get used for singed lol


yeah how did the term 'proxy' get used for singed lol

qtpie's stream

pretty sure he says that while he proxy's at nexus taking both mid and top farm rofl



got 6 honors lol, 4 from enemy team 2 from mine.


won my lane, most cs in game, didnt die, avoided every single lee sin gank, just generally played perfectly


kayle dc'ed 9 times in 20 mins

my team fed

ahhh elo hell

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