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lol i was like farmoil until i learnt u could do both, but anyway



wanted to practice my bae akali in lower elo

my na accountttt


Edited by I Pk Virginz
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lol, I mean, I understand that u wanna stop playing so you focus on the gym more etc etc, but calling it an hobby exchange of some sort is just silly. 

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lol, I mean, I understand that u wanna stop playing so you focus on the gym more etc etc, but calling it an hobby exchange of some sort is just silly. 






No offense pal but it's possible to have more than one hobby.




I wake up go gym come home shower eat and then leave for work until 10pm then get home watch a movie and sleep




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why does it matter if I don't play league anyway lol


I played one game earlier today and one yesterday, left the game yesterday and afked today. I can't handle the amount of retardation within the game and dislike how frustrated it makes me I'd much rather not play

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£25k starting salary after training. (can't get in police without degree atm anyway)


Upto £41k for seargent (second police rank) which only takes a few years with degree, experience, etc


And then with the degree multi forces will let you fast track to inspector which is £50k.


Either way I'd be quite happy with £25k


no1 gonna tell you what you should and shouldn't do with ur life, so meh, who cares what we say anyway

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Was just joking papa you my bestest rs friend dont wanna lose you



skidz you are my favourite but don't tell delta

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I didnt meant to be offensive, that excuse just didnt seem quite right to be honest. Also, gym for 2 hours is too much for someone that just started by the way

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depends what he's doing ^^


Anyway yh Josh I know that feel, just been doing full time at work, got a full months payslip last week and I don't even wanna do anything else this summer other than stack more, League I only play if I wake up in time before work, if not w/e, u might as well sell acc now while u can, I wanna sell mine

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It's a bitch to sell accs, I can't seem to find a buyer for shit. And those lol acc websites will offer nothing like $60 even if you have a ton of skins and shit. Lmao

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so I'm 18-0 in normals with tristana and the game dc'd..I'm guessing this is what a drop hack is


I'm stuck in game and its saying trying to reconnect..do I just wait or leave the game?  I don't want to get any marks on this account

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