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This Bloke ****ing Feeds


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got 6 honors lol, 4 from enemy team 2 from mine.


won my lane, most cs in game, didnt die, avoided every single lee sin gank, just generally played perfectly


kayle dc'ed 9 times in 20 mins

my team fed

ahhh elo hell


thaaaaaaaaaat sucks


Who would you all say gets most consistently banned and why?


Holy shit 18 minute nexus is the best I've seen. I played against a 'proxy singed' and got absolutely raped. Still don't understand what he was doing.

suicide cs than gg late game


Who would you all say gets most consistently banned and why?

there was just a big update so idk if they'll change but


naut - great ganks + utility, tanky => good for late game

hecarim - insane ganks + insane damage + insane tank

thresh - really good utility, easy to use

tf - great for solo q because he can gank lanes easily with his ult


www.lolking.net for charts of top 10 bans/win rate/etc


I'm going instant gold after my placement games.


Fred or delta play a ranked in a few days pls if you need my info ask dean

I giv u present when I get back!


Fred or delta play a ranked in a few days pls if you need my info ask dean

I giv u present when I get back!


its a 28 day elo decay lol


two weeks is 14 days


so here's the thing


i've been playing on a computer that runs stable 25 fps, and goes to ~5 fps during teamfights


now i just got a new laptop for graduating high school that keeps 60 fps 


c u in challenger


Fred or delta play a ranked in a few days pls if you need my info ask dean

I giv u present when I get back!

its a 28 day elo decay lol

two weeks is 14 days

Oh wtf nvm

last 2 ranked games in a row i had 


highest damage dealt to champions

highest damage dealt in whole game

most turrets destroyed

least time dead

highest cs



still losing... my elo lmao, cant carry enough :(


so here's the thing


i've been playing on a computer that runs stable 25 fps, and goes to ~5 fps during teamfights


now i just got a new laptop for graduating high school that keeps 60 fps 


c u in challenger


Same until some geezer told me to turn down graphic settings rofl




Someone buy me Diana I pay u back wen I get home ok

Ok time to sleep night


A fed Fiona, no thank you


Carried fred


Rofl who has been playing ranked on my acc

3 ranked losses gf kda

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