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Stronk, am i still silver delts


You cant move down divisions, only tiers.


U cant go from silver to bronze


Wot happened to fred


meh, i win 3/4 games in a row and go up to silver IV then get shit luck and go back.. happened 3 times now


You cant move down divisions, only tiers.


U cant go from silver to bronze

i went from plat to silver cuz of inactivity



You cant move down divisions, only tiers.


U cant go from silver to bronze

i went from plat to silver cuz of inactivity


yeah i think u can demote divisions only from inactivity


oh my bad.


I know you cant lose every game and get demoted.


Just must be from inactivity


meh, i win 3/4 games in a row and go up to silver IV then get shit luck and go back.. happened 3 times now


...lol'd. Yh thts the only reason ;)


meh, i win 3/4 games in a row and go up to silver IV then get shit luck and go back.. happened 3 times now

...lol'd. Yh thts the only reason ;)


>be Ashe

>get fed early game

>build bloodthirster fast

>start building inf edge

>teammates start feeding draven

>soon draven op

>keeps getting fed

>meanwhile im farming cs for inf edge

>outlevel all my teammates and same level to draven

>about get inf edge


>team surrenders 4to1 me being the only one voting no



I could've carried but no.


i always go negative on ashe


shes late game champ and not even that good late game

Posted (edited)

She's good if fed but Cait is best imo.

Edited by Insecurities

Vayne => ez => twitch then cait/graves

Draven would be second but idk what hes like after patch


Kog Maw best adc ever.


Depends on what you play for real/team comp


if your going for a late game team comp, definatly dont want draven or graves


Also depends on their bot lane


Draven better than ezreal lol farmoil


and yeh having a bronze IV kid go 0/13 or someone dc is not good luck :S


higher elo than u both for a reason


We are in the same league.


And seeing as you started in Silver V you haven't moved anywhere. Where as i moved from Bronze 4 to Silver 5 in HALF the games you've played in total lol :s


I was receiving 3 points for a win and losing 20-30 if I lost... it was impossible to climb out of that, until I found someone to duo queue with. We played 30~ games in 5-6 days and won 24/25 out of them.


Now I receive equal points and I win more than I lose so i'm climbing.


I recieved 62 points in 2 games. Im climbing hard son


is there any way to find out if someone removed my post i swear i posted that i.e. > b.t. first on ashe last night 


but anyway lol, alistar support stronk


+91lp from 3 games




Everyone is scared of my Zilean support. EVERYONE

Posted (edited)

Learn nami support. Shes so fkin strong srs




Won 4 games from 0lp ^.^

Edited by DeltaPapa

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