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what are the current god tier champions?


@ oi you mug, lmk and lets play soem league!

Edited by WickedAnimeEye
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Been maining a lot of shaco recently, but been getting R E K T by R E K sai so pretty sure he is meta rn, @ hmu we'll duo q altho still need to do my placements

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Been maining a lot of shaco recently, but been getting R E K T by R E K sai so pretty sure he is meta rn, @ hmu we'll duo q altho still need to do my placements

yes rek is one of the top tier champs that need to be picked or banned. my usual banlist is Rek, Vi, Fizz


I am playing right now, get on and lets do soem rounds, i want to lose some league points :P

Edited by WickedAnimeEye
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what are the current god tier champions?


@ oi you mug, lmk and lets play soem league!


I did this list a few days ago, may be not accurate for some elos though:



If you main Anivia then I recommend you to keep playing it, its by far one of the best champs to main. Once you gain more game knowledge you'll be a beast on high elo.


Now this made me think about creating a list for 2 OP champs to main for teh soloq climb in their respective lanes:




- Lissandra;

- Galio.


- Gnar;

- Irelia.



AP (both with att speed runes, at least 14%):

- Sejuani;

- Diana.


- Shaco;

- VI;




- Anivia;

- LB;


- Zed;

- Talon.



- Kalista;

- Vayne.

(graves will get a small nerf within 2 patches in my opinion, base damage on ulti I wud guess)



- Thresh;

- Morgana.


Wud you guys edit anything? I know there are alot of viable options in this season but in terms of soloq chances of winning I would say that this list is pretty accurate

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Been maining a lot of shaco recently, but been getting R E K T by R E K sai so pretty sure he is meta rn, @ hmu we'll duo q altho still need to do my placements

yes rek is one of the top tier champs that need to be picked or banned. my usual banlist is Rek, Vi, Fizz


I am playing right now, get on and lets do soem rounds, i want to lose some league points :P



Will be on in a couple hours, to carry ur ass ;P

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played vs a soraka top


no idea her abilities and holy shit it was strong lol. 2 abilties and im 40% health. Doesnt help buying cloth armour to start though


2-0 doe the dream


edit: nvm, clicked on ranked and it counted as normal lols. What a pointless story

Edited by DeltaPapa
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wasnt pointless made us understand the sort of player you are when you buy cloth/pots vs a soraka top


Well their team was Fiddle, Zed, Soraka, Rengar (w/smite) and draven)


So had no idea who was top and presumed it was Zed. 2 seconds stepping outside base realised flask would of been better

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Nice game impact

had he walked into midlane he probably could have 1v3 with trinity and frozen heart :P


thats at least 350 stacks there

Edited by WickedAnimeEye
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One support to rule them all!


Our team was behind 



Then CarryRaka kicked in with frozen heart and the game could begin, I legit stood behind my jinx while j4 ultied on her and sion and talon stood on her aswell. Pressing only 3 buttons at one location Q,W,E infinite heals lmao, healing done 28k, Jinx took more dmg than our team designated tank. So troll, so op, fear the bananas.


Once j4 caught up and killed me my team started dieing :(

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190minions is around 30waves, 30 waves = 15 canons, considerng he never failed the canon that gives us..


175 * 3 = 525

15 * 6 = 90


525+ 90 = 615.


Before you say something, no, it is not possible to farm every single minon with your Q, but in case you do it that is the stacks you get ^^ (I think he had around 450stacks at that time)

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Nah was like 250-300 prob rofl


first game of the day and hadn't played nasus in awhile. Missed a lot of Qs and was using them on Jax to get the massive cs/level lead on him

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