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190minions is around 30waves, 30 waves = 15 canons, considerng he never failed the canon that gives us..


175 * 3 = 525

15 * 6 = 90


525+ 90 = 615.


Before you say something, no, it is not possible to farm every single minon with your Q, but in case you do it that is the stacks you get ^^ (I think he had around 450stacks at that time)

thats why I said at least  :cool:


Btw lads, has the silver lvl competition really gone so much down? 4 divisions in 2 days and making da plays as support.

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idunno how is the competition in silver but considering that there are 4million players in silver I would say that you can find anything there, a world of new experiences!

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you dont need void staff/abyssal on lissandra bro

are you talking both items at once?


also, 5-3 in placements so far 7-3 the dream.

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went 6-4 went on a 3 game loosing streak because mid snowballed like mad.

Ended up in S4 from S1

Not fair, especially when you main support

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you dont need void staff/abyssal on lissandra bro

are you talking both items at once?


also, 5-3 in placements so far 7-3 the dream.



yE, But it is totally optional of course, I just feel that Lissandra's base damage and cc is enough, thats why people been rushing cdr boots and morello in korea (since morello's got nerfed people been avoiding playing lissandra lol) but its still good

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went 6-4 went on a 3 game loosing streak because mid snowballed like mad.

Ended up in S4 from S1

Not fair, especially when you main support

play a supp tht can carry, blitz or soraka, morg will be pretty good. If you are adept with raka u'll make ur enemy team cry if they wont focus u.

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Why is Soraka so good? I feel like all she does is heal and then gets easily focused in lane by a tanker supp

if you lose 2v2 with a soraka in your bot lane you suck. thats why.

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Why is Soraka so good? I feel like all she does is heal and then gets easily focused in lane by a tanker supp

if you lose 2v2 with a soraka in your bot lane you suck. thats why.


Care to clarify "why you suck"

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Why is Soraka so good? I feel like all she does is heal and then gets easily focused in lane by a tanker supp

if you lose 2v2 with a soraka in your bot lane you suck. thats why.


Care to clarify "why you suck"


basically if you pump in 28k healing into your adc it becomes pretty much unkillable, jsut make sure the jig is not up and they start focusing you instead

Edited by WickedAnimeEye
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Went 6-4 and landed in silver 2, :sad:  the climb to plat begins again....

yet i never see you online, lets play you mug


Whats ur name lol, Mine is : FeelmyUdyr

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