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anyone noticed this season people tending to give up before 20mins? saying ff 20 gg @ 0-5 etc?

happens alot in euw because usually the champs that go 5/0 are like j4 or vi, it is basically gg at that point

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is it only me but every time i look up my teammates match histories all i see is 3-7; 2-8 and they say statistics are bullshit, even if i go positive in my team this is why I cannot even try to get control of the game.


Had this dude who only plays cait and loses every single caitlyn game. why you even play it? He doesnt even have good score, other lad in same team plays pmuch only xerath and even winning games have horrible scores.


Fuck i can do much more as leo then when you put those 2 together

Edited by WickedAnimeEye
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is it only me but every time i look up my teammates match histories all i see is 3-7; 2-8 and they say statistics are bullshit, even if i go positive in my team this is why I cannot even try to get control of the game.


Had this dude who only plays cait and loses every single caitlyn game. why you even play it? He doesnt even have good score, other lad in same team plays pmuch only xerath and even winning games have horrible scores.


Fuck i can do much more as leo then when you put those 2 together


tldr pls




















Edited by A Combo
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is it only me but every time i look up my teammates match histories all i see is 3-7; 2-8 and they say statistics are bullshit, even if i go positive in my team this is why I cannot even try to get control of the game.


Had this dude who only plays cait and loses every single caitlyn game. why you even play it? He doesnt even have good score, other lad in same team plays pmuch only xerath and even winning games have horrible scores.


Fuck i can do much more as leo then when you put those 2 together


tldr pls





















tl;dr QQ

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is it only me but every time i look up my teammates match histories all i see is 3-7; 2-8 and they say statistics are bullshit, even if i go positive in my team this is why I cannot even try to get control of the game.


Had this dude who only plays cait and loses every single caitlyn game. why you even play it? He doesnt even have good score, other lad in same team plays pmuch only xerath and even winning games have horrible scores.


Fuck i can do much more as leo then when you put those 2 together


tldr pls





















tl;dr QQ



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Not to main support in Silver. Instead go for a carry role like mid or adc.


mate i could've given you that advice, although sometimes you have to end up supporting, play champs that snowball hard in that elo


fiora, riven, rek, panth, j4, vi, fizz, zed.


Mostly those champs would be top tier junglers.


dont play fucking fiora support if u dont get ur pick jesus christ



anyone noticed this season people tending to give up before 20mins? saying ff 20 gg @ 0-5 etc?

happens alot in euw because usually the champs that go 5/0 are like j4 or vi, it is basically gg at that point


never give up its called league of throws for a reason

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wow u made it out of bronze


Skidz come on ts sometime long time no speak


whats the ts man long time no speak.


ts.foe-rs.com i believe :P

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wow u made it out of bronze


Skidz come on ts sometime long time no speak


whats the ts man long time no speak.


ts.foe-rs.com i believe :P


thank you brother.

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Not to main support in Silver. Instead go for a carry role like mid or adc.


mate i could've given you that advice, although sometimes you have to end up supporting, play champs that snowball hard in that elo


fiora, riven, rek, panth, j4, vi, fizz, zed.


Mostly those champs would be top tier junglers.


dont play fucking fiora support if u dont get ur pick jesus christ



anyone noticed this season people tending to give up before 20mins? saying ff 20 gg @ 0-5 etc?

happens alot in euw because usually the champs that go 5/0 are like j4 or vi, it is basically gg at that point


never give up its called league of throws for a reason



yeh also this. was like 25-7 with diana and team didn't know/want to finish as they just keeped going for kills, we eventually got picked off and lost a 50min game -_-

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ahri still so strong damn


i find it easy to dodge her abilities, played lissandra first time today , amazing lmao i think liss top sej jg would be a sick combo

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jesus what is with that attack speed kalista ffs, how do you even catch that thing?!?! ghosting with singed might do the trick but it's fken ridiculous. You can basically kite 1v4

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