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This Bloke ****ing Feeds


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playing on eune is terrible im going vs gold's and basically the whole game goes back to the level who has more cc and op team comp, since all yoru teammates will be doing is playing for kills not objectives. 

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i really shouldnt play ranked after a long day, im so on edge.


played support. was 5/0 at like 15 mins. my adc calls me autistic. i snap and went mid fed like 13-15 kills and lost us the game. not even mad. told the adc to kill himself after the match. 


idk man... i play on 100-150 ping, its kinda expected that ill be stealing kills lol.

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i really shouldnt play ranked after a long day, im so on edge.

played support. was 5/0 at like 15 mins. my adc calls me autistic. i snap and went mid fed like 13-15 kills and lost us the game. not even mad. told the adc to kill himself after the match.

idk man... i play on 100-150 ping, its kinda expected that ill be stealing kills lol.


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i really shouldnt play ranked after a long day, im so on edge.


played support. was 5/0 at like 15 mins. my adc calls me autistic. i snap and went mid fed like 13-15 kills and lost us the game. not even mad. told the adc to kill himself after the match. 


idk man... i play on 100-150 ping, its kinda expected that ill be stealing kills lol.


just stop using abilitys when there low, and don't aa

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i really shouldnt play ranked after a long day, im so on edge.


played support. was 5/0 at like 15 mins. my adc calls me autistic. i snap and went mid fed like 13-15 kills and lost us the game. not even mad. told the adc to kill himself after the match. 


idk man... i play on 100-150 ping, its kinda expected that ill be stealing kills lol.

ur the worst bronze trash

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i really shouldnt play ranked after a long day, im so on edge.


played support. was 5/0 at like 15 mins. my adc calls me autistic. i snap and went mid fed like 13-15 kills and lost us the game. not even mad. told the adc to kill himself after the match. 


idk man... i play on 100-150 ping, its kinda expected that ill be stealing kills lol.

ur the worst bronze trash



wanna duo?

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probs with jax is that i find him so fun and strong, but then you get strong, stomp everything, and its boring. Your either getting piled 1v5 or everyoine runs away from you



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