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So I started playing kat.  Shoutout to the boys @@Farmoil and @ they're kat gods and best kats na/euw/oce







I wanna start playing her in ranked when I feel comfortable on her

Edited by Allan
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These ranked games cannot be won!




Jinx decided to become front row tank for last 20 minutes and did not want to buy lw. Only malph could make plays.

God please don't put this evil on me, tell me what am i doing wrong!

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Strength of a premade bot, and flaming yasuo who bet his nan at 1st min tht i fail.




Yep, they went full retard and locked in bot forcing me to jungle :(

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Tsm is just on a whole other level right now holy shit. That baron vision control just snowballed their game vs Clg so hard. So wierd that they are able to play like that on one day and then lose a game in champ select the previous day vs gravity.

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you have no idea on what you are talking bout lol, its not that tsm is on "another level", its just picks and bans in ther favor.


Everyone admted already that CLG is the strongest NA team right now, with weaker teamfights overall. I just feel like aphro was forced into janna ths game and thats one of the many reasons why they lost

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you have no idea on what you are talking bout lol, its not that tsm is on "another level", its just picks and bans in ther favor.


Everyone admted already that CLG is the strongest NA team right now, with weaker teamfights overall. I just feel like aphro was forced into janna ths game and thats one of the many reasons why they lost

ill write something up after i get back from work for you buddy.

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you have no idea on what you are talking bout lol, its not that tsm is on "another level", its just picks and bans in ther favor.


Everyone admted already that CLG is the strongest NA team right now, with weaker teamfights overall. I just feel like aphro was forced into janna ths game and thats one of the many reasons why they lost


who is everyone and when did they admit it.


you claim he doesn't know what he's talking about but your conclusion is just as vague


just because he's a lower elo than you doesn't render his or anyones opinion less valuable


I feel like recently you continue to pick on people with low elo although you're pretty much just as far away from challenjour everyone else on these forums  :sefket:

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^^ rekt


I'm still repping those who cannot be carried in s4, maybe some day I'll make it back into gold where I got last year easier than going to groceries.

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you have no idea on what you are talking bout lol, its not that tsm is on "another level", its just picks and bans in ther favor.


Everyone admted already that CLG is the strongest NA team right now, with weaker teamfights overall. I just feel like aphro was forced into janna ths game and thats one of the many reasons why they lost


who is everyone and when did they admit it.


you claim he doesn't know what he's talking about but your conclusion is just as vague


just because he's a lower elo than you doesn't render his or anyones opinion less valuable


I feel like recently you continue to pick on people with low elo although you're pretty much just as far away from challenjour everyone else on these forums  :sefket:



Only low elo people I pick are those who try to make it look like they dont belong there, and so far I've only been picking on 1.


My conclusion is not vague, its simply the reality. Go watch Hai's interview with Travis. C9 TSM and CLG are always battling eachother in practice, they do know which team is stronger and why. Im not pulling shit out of my ass nor being a CLG fanboy lol.



TSM won in picks and bans, period

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you have no idea on what you are talking bout lol, its not that tsm is on "another level", its just picks and bans in ther favor.


Everyone admted already that CLG is the strongest NA team right now, with weaker teamfights overall. I just feel like aphro was forced into janna ths game and thats one of the many reasons why they lost


who is everyone and when did they admit it.


you claim he doesn't know what he's talking about but your conclusion is just as vague


just because he's a lower elo than you doesn't render his or anyones opinion less valuable


I feel like recently you continue to pick on people with low elo although you're pretty much just as far away from challenjour everyone else on these forums  :sefket:



Only low elo people I pick are those who try to make it look like they dont belong there, and so far I've only been picking on 1.


My conclusion is not vague, its simply the reality. Go watch Hai's interview with Travis. C9 TSM and CLG are always battling eachother in practice, they do know which team is stronger and why. Im not pulling shit out of my ass nor being a CLG fanboy lol.



TSM won in picks and bans, period



Scrims =/= Matches. People mess around in scrims trying out new champs, comps, strats all the time. Hell people in interviews have even said people restart scrims before the lategame if they mess up, it's completely different from official matches, no restarts.


TSM had a stronger midgame comp with the corki, and they made capitalized on that. Also Link starting flask against bjerg's zed was not a smart choice, because he had to shut bjerg down, and there is no question that an ahri is able to do that to a zed.

Also the entire reason TSM got that baron was because they planned it out better. Bjerg said in the post game interview that Turtle made an important call that double backed for PD and/or QSS and they should do something about that. 

Starts around 45 seconds.



So they planned for baron and put vision all over clg's red side of the jungle. CLG made a mistake here and had a lapse in vision at baron which enabled that entire baron sneak. (you'll see they had no vision of the pit when they started baron) That's what snowballed the entire game for TSM and pretty much delayed double being able to carry teamfights because of baron buff's op seige capabilities.(They needed to protect inhib turrets to turtle out the game) 


It would have been a close game without that big mistake with vision dude, i think you fail to realize that they didn't win in champ select. Link got shut down pretty hard but with janna peel for double and the fact that he had qss would have been enough, not to mention that kennen/reksai could have cc'd the backline so bjerg would have been isolated, forced to ult back to his shadow/flash out when janna/qss would have nullified bjerg's assassination attempts on double. 


TL;DR, it came down to a classic protect doublelift game that failed once again because Link didn't do enough to bjerg, instead of focusing him, they fell back to the old tilt Dyrus strat which was a mistake because he's on lulu, who doesn't need all the farm to stay relevant throughout the game. TSM won with their superior ability to control the map and vision and prevent double to ever reach lategame. Your assumption that TSM won in champ select is somewhat wrong. They had a stronger midgame yes, but they also had the tools to win had they been able to turtle it out so that double could have carried.


Also, this is a half-assed post on my part, cba wasting my time writing out a full essay for you since i'm only a silver scrub after all.

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