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pro flash


also in that game i was against an annie who would spam q from lvl one and use no mana? Pretty sure she was using a hack56324a267b70706560cb7e2cfbd1c634.gif

Edited by Heismberg
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pro flash


also in that game i was against an annie who would spam q from lvl one and use no mana? Pretty sure she was using a hack56324a267b70706560cb7e2cfbd1c634.gif

killing a unit restores % of the mana and reduces cooldown, shes just last hitting creeps with it.


If she uses it and it doesnt kill the target these effects dont take place

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my support friend: graves is the stronger version of lucian gg




sike nigga nice farm graves


5k cash vs 12k cash i feel sorry

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pro flash


also in that game i was against an annie who would spam q from lvl one and use no mana? Pretty sure she was using a hack56324a267b70706560cb7e2cfbd1c634.gif

killing a unit restores % of the mana and reduces cooldown, shes just last hitting creeps with it.


If she uses it and it doesnt kill the target these effects dont take place


Ya but thats only when she kills the unit or champ, she was using her Q+W on me constantly harassing at level 2 and staying full mana


that gif is kinda shitty but i only started vidding after i told her i was vidding. Definitely was some sort of bug she was exploiting 

Edited by Heismberg
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Your friend is dumb


I guess that's why he's your friend

lmao bitch ass nigga 4real keep it 3hunna or get ran ova lil bitch

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Because he's clunky and if you have shit mechanics you'll get rolled on, which is 95% of league sadly


Still free wins tho, teamfight utility makes me )))

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shit mechanics u clear wave with a few auto attacks or just W


no mechanics in that champ except for hitting Q which is just knowledge

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You're a pile of dinosaur dogshit though if you blow your spells and then getting engaged on, cooldowns aren't that long but if you blow your kit in a bad moment you're really vulnerable to ganks, and most people in the lower ELOs are completely awful at deciding when to be cautious :P

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no counter play vs a trynd? he gets rekt by cc

and u bait his jump and bye mobility

Edited by A Combo
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That's his E dumbnoob


Split Tryn is hard to deal with tho, no idea why he would join teamfights

sorry I dont play noob champs

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That's his E dumbnoob


Split Tryn is hard to deal with tho, no idea why he would join teamfights

sorry I dont play noob champs


Nunu freelo confirmed btw

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That's his E dumbnoob


Split Tryn is hard to deal with tho, no idea why he would join teamfights

sorry I dont play noob champs


Nunu freelo confirmed btw


Nunu freelo confirmed 4sho

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Saw this reddit top post about on hit kogmaw wrecking the tank meta, tried it out in a normal ( never played kog before ) 


Its a build against tanks tho and they didnt even have tanks... Zzz



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